Session Strings Pro 2 - Runs


Currently in the trial mode subscription.

I have downloaded Session Strings Pro 2 - and can not figure out how to do a 1 or 2 octave string run.

Is this possible?



    QUAVERTUNE Member Posts: 5 Member

    It is a versatile instrument and good to experiment with . I usually bring up an individual instrument like cello .Then the first thing I do is customise the articulations and assign them to a key switch .This is done by scrolling down on the main page and clicking on the existing articulation .Then leaving or changing from a list of alternate articulations . Then using the key switch . I mostly use cubase .I believe that the key switch " minus C1 to G1 is fairly uniform .If it does not work it may be the specifics of the DAW piano roll .Load up in addition viola and do a variation of the key switches for an interesting result .

  • SparkyCanada
    SparkyCanada Member Posts: 8 Member

    Thanks for the reply QUAVERTUNE.

    So it doesn’t sound like there are preset phrases for this?


  • DunedinDragon
    DunedinDragon Member Posts: 1,006 Guru

    There's the Phrase Animator but I don't think I ever found a simple glissando or sweep function in there, but I could be wrong. Personally I have other string and orchestra libraries such as Albion from Spitfire Audio that has a wide variety of glissandos and I just create one there and drop the MIDI into Session Strings Pro 2.

  • SparkyCanada
    SparkyCanada Member Posts: 8 Member

    Thanks for the idea of using midi from somewhere else… good idea DunedinDragon

    This is my first 3rd party strings VI and the trial download sounds impressive. So far only experienced strings from Pro Tools Xpand2 and Logic.

    Will check out Albion as you referenced.

    Thanks again,


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