Trying to set up Yamaha FC3A pedal - what am I doing wrong?

Nathan F
Nathan F Member Posts: 2 Newcomer

Trying to get a Yamaha FC3A pedal working with my S61 Mk3 - and so far no joy (other than a random moment that it started to work but then it stopped again).

Having tried to trouble shoot with the manual and instruction vid, there seems to be a discrepancy with the way the pages are laid out for me. Essentially I'm seeing:

1) Hardware 2) Keybed 3) Access MIDI template 4) General. Based on manual and video I think I should be seeing a page marked 'Pedals' after 'Keybed'?

Anyway - from the Access MIDI template page I can change some info (invert on/off and Mode from switch to continuous) but it doesn't say which pedal socket this is applying to (which would seem o me to be found in the afore mentioned missing page).

I've also had a couple of moments where the keyboard is suddenly sending just at full velocity. Off and on again fixed that.

So I'm a tad confused what's going on - and I can't get the Yamaha pedal working!

I have an M Audio Pedal which just works straight out the box. But I'm keen to get a 'better' pedal working (and also to figure out if there's something weird going on).



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