Freak + FM8FX

pbthrash Member Posts: 55 Member

Sometimes is worth to play a little with automation to achieve funny or interesting results. This time I was using Freak (two Freaks in fact - one in sidechain mode, second for freq bend effect) and FM8 FX (Talkwah). Plus drums from "Very Own Drums" and instruments crafted in Massive. And some EQ etc. from NI.

Trick is to create some synced LFOs to move knobs. A little more work than just inserting some effect, but hey - it's effect for freaks. :)

Just for fun. :)



  • pbthrash
    pbthrash Member Posts: 55 Member

    And one small advice - as you can see I switched "Amount" knob instead of turning on and off effect in FM8FX. When I tried made it by disabling effect (for a test) - automation disables and then re-enables effect, but FM8 FX was not working anymore. Probably small bug. :) Not really important - is better to set "Amount" anyway - it is more smooth and prevent delays/glitches.

  • pbthrash
    pbthrash Member Posts: 55 Member

    And anoter one example of using NI effects controlled by LFOs activated by notes.

    I do not made step-by-step tutorial, because in different DAWs you can made it different way.

    But I give a hint how using very basic sound users can achieve complex sound by changing effects parameters realtime. And on this video you can see which parameters are changed.

  • pbthrash
    pbthrash Member Posts: 55 Member

    And last example - Ignition Keys + some automation (plus some drum and bass, but that's not important).

    All three examples shows that sometimes is nice to spend some time playing with automation, because effects may be unique.

    So global tip - move knobs first, look what they can do and then figure out (based on options in your DAW) how you can create something interesing (or unexpected or just funny). And try to use your DAW's LFOs, metaplugins/controllers (like tracking your key or velocity if your DAW has that type of control) instead of drawing standard automation curves.

    Whole topic is made for "Share your best tips and win Komplete 15". I doubt I can win, but I have fun creating these. So greetings to all participants!

  • pbthrash
    pbthrash Member Posts: 55 Member

    And last tip - something that may be obvious, but from my experience - not for everyone.

    People in most cases when looking for effects, do not think about Guitar Rig as a multi-effect. And that's a big mistake - it have lot of effects plus internal LFOs etc. And can be used to create very interesting sound not only for guitars.

    Theme taken from old polish song for kids. :)

  • pbthrash
    pbthrash Member Posts: 55 Member

    Another hint - this time about creating punch hard bass in Massive X.

    First create hard sound, much harder than you expect as a result - only for filter it then using ENV.

    And then use velocity to control some parameters + add some EQ and some FX - and result may be interesting.

  • pbthrash
    pbthrash Member Posts: 55 Member

    ReplikaXT is delay plugin? Well, yes, but you can use it as different FX if you set feedback to zero, delay to zero, mix at 100% and use internal FX section.

  • pbthrash
    pbthrash Member Posts: 55 Member

    Sometimes is nice to use velocity as filter control and most synths have that functionality.

    But what if not? Here is an example of adding velocity controlled filter to Monark in Reaktor:

  • pbthrash
    pbthrash Member Posts: 55 Member


    1. In first video - I show which knobs I moved in Freak and FM8 FX. Tip here is "which knobs" and "which effects". I don't want to tech anyone how to use automation (in every DAW is different) or how to compose music.
    2. In second video I shown exact fx chain - from left to right and user can hear basic sound processed by these plugins. So it's basically step-by-step.
    3. In third video I shown also automation tricks, but I added info how to find what knobs musicial should move (by checking them first before adding automation).
    4. In fourt video I shown how to use Guitar Rig 6 as FX - also all modules are shown, so every musician can set the same fx chain inside and get similar result.
    5. In my fifth video I show step-by-step tutorial how to made hard bass preset in Massive X from zero (init).
    6. In my 6th video I presented using ReplikaXT as effect module.
    7. In my last video I shown how to add velocity control to filter in Monark - full step-by-step video.

    So - TIPS, not tutorials. I hope everything is clear enough.

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