Any problems with more than one S-series MK3 keyboard connected to same PC (Kontakt7)?

Hannes Vester
Hannes Vester Member Posts: 8 Member

Any problems with more than one S-series MK3 keyboard connected to a Windows 11 PC? We have extreme difficulties to get a second S-series MK3 keyboard recognized by Kontakt7. No problems at all with other software. Exchanging cables, ports, restart, firmware re-update did not help. Also in our other studio PCs similar problems when trying get more than one S-series keyboards recognized as controller by Kontakt7. Many thanks for your kind assistance. [NI access all actual, WIN11, 128 GB RAM, 12 cores].

Best Answer


  • mykejb
    mykejb Moderator Posts: 2,225 mod
    Answer ✓
  • Hannes Vester
    Hannes Vester Member Posts: 8 Member

    Thank you very much mykejb, you are right!! I just wonder that this limitation is still unsolved by NI. We would very much like to use more than one NI sound library in a composing or live act with the fantastic functionality of the MK3 S-series keyboards (i.e. with the automatically library-matched CC knobs etc.), but this seems to be still limited to the use of only one MK3 keyboard = one CC-matched library per computer. Is this correct? It would be a pity if it cannot be solved - or we have to buy more computers then!! Live acts with 2-tier stand for nicest MK3 use but with requirement for 2 laptops 😆

  • mykejb
    mykejb Moderator Posts: 2,225 mod

    I'd think it unlikely, but you never know! I'm guessing the technical difficulties of working out what's controlling what is a logic nightmare. Personally I'd go for two laptops - that gives you redundancy if one of them has a hiccup, plus more gear always looks cool :)

  • Hannes Vester
    Hannes Vester Member Posts: 8 Member

    Thank you! In fact, its really helpful for us to know that there will be no solution in near future :)

  • Maciej Repetowski
    Maciej Repetowski Member Posts: 701 Guru

    There are no problems, it just doesn’t work.

  • BIF
    BIF Member Posts: 1,080 Guru

    But you still CAN get around the problem, OP.

    Just use another MIDI controller. Set your MIDI channels up so that controller on MIDI channel 1 (maybe the MK3) plays one instrument, while the other controller on MIDI channel 2, plays another instrument.

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