M32 loses a MIDI port constantly on macos

guildem Member Posts: 14 Member
edited September 2024 in Komplete Kontrol

Hi, I have a Komplete M32, and I regularly can't use it on my DAW (DAW isn't important, I tested it on Bitwig, Reaper, Cubase and Reason with same result). I lose a MIDI port and so the keyboard isn't usable anymore in DAWs, neither the keyboard, nor the controller (play/stop/record/…).

If I add a track with a Komplete Kontrol VST in my DAW, I suddenly have a connection with the M32, no keyboard to play (my second keyboard, M-Audio) plays the notes well, not the M32. But I can use the knobs to modify my instrument parameters.

Finally if I open Komplete Kontrol in standalone mode, everything works (well, not play/stop/record, this isn't a DAW). I can play the instrument, and use the knobs to configure it.

This appends every day, and I'm starting to be a bit angry about that, can't reboot the mac all the time.

Do you have the same issue ? With M32 or another Komplete keyboard ?

I updated all I can, macos is in last version, Komplete Kontrol too, …

Edit: I rebooted, there is 2 MIDI ports : "KOMPLETE KONTROL M32" and "Komplete Kontrol M DAW". the second one is the one lost constantly. I will wait to get it again, et post the before/after of Bitwig and Monitor (NI services).

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