Razor vocoder on ANYTHING

Karl W
Karl W Member Posts: 4 Newcomer

You can use razor's vocoder to make cool sounds with anything. Use the unique effects! For example, put it on top of drums using the metal effect and layer it with the original, using a different rhythm to make cold droplets, or put it on some pads to create textures, or even on white noise risers to make them tonal! (There is a demo in the zip file; I have used the technique on everything but the bass, but I'm sure that would sound great too! Imo the riser sounds awesome lol)



  • gentleclockdivider
    gentleclockdivider Member Posts: 249 Helper

    You can use any vocoder on anything , not just razor

  • Karl W
    Karl W Member Posts: 4 Newcomer

    Of course, but razor has unique partial effects, such as 2 osc, metal, P and F grids etc.!

  • gentleclockdivider
    gentleclockdivider Member Posts: 249 Helper
    edited September 2024

    True , but the incoming signal (modulator ) is still analyzed/split using standard bandpass filters .

    The carrier signal is indeed razor's additive engine but 99% of the time I use saw waves as carriers which are the most harmonically rich waveforms for vocoding

  • Karl W
    Karl W Member Posts: 4 Newcomer

    That's fair. Sometimes there are circumstances (admittedly more often than not) when you would want a harmonically rich carrier, but there are those certain instances where you might want a quirky sound, which you can *very* easily do in razor lol

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