The P.O.T.Y
The P.O.T.Y Member Posts: 46 Member

When I piurchased my Mashcine HW (MIKRO 1.8 WHT), it took me into the digital production world. Forcing myself to hand study theory, for my Axiom49 gen 2. Over the years I progressed in many ways of producing but could never get my dreamed workflow of PT, Komplete, and Maschine and "Keyboard". Time continues and until one day NI uploads Noah "40" Shebib video…I been working every MIDI trick, routing , and clock…you name it. When 40 sat at his workstation in the studio and said "BOOM your hooked up to Maschine, Komplete Kontrol, to all screens, keyboards. console." I said DAM' 40 cracked the code!! and NI is changing the way. I watched the video as stated in my comment nearly 100 times within months and still…also waited for part 2 to see the future. I studied the vid…is it matrix, MIDI chain hardwire or plugin, is Maschine that powerful as plugin? I rewind and rewind over and over again. Scowered the "Community" for tip and workflows….even DM 40 and read his XML for studio setup, nothing. Until one day thinking there is no way the Komplete Kontrol keyboard is popping in every setup and its only ppl who can play music or C Major? The light guide is always "blue". Over years KK dropped, Smart Play was introduced and one day for inspiration I watched 40 NI video again, light bulb that's what he meant the HW. No one on the community ever agreed or second a difference of SW and HW between the flagships'. And I believed I may be only one searching…Maschine doesn't need Smart Play, why have Maschine and Komplete Kontrol open plugins in DAW, the Light Guide desires the play, and PT doesn't push MIDI that hard? I bought a Komplete Kontrol keyboard (HW) just to try the "OVO 40 HACK". IT WORKED!

"OVO 40 HACK FLOW": A single Komplete Kontro Keyboard in a set-up ( USB and Power for HW) to a system pushes Smart Play from Maschine. Ex: My AXIOM 49 gen2 follows KK keyboard, and Maschine SW/HW works inline with Smart Play from KK keyboard. Also the ARP of KK keyboard pushes to other MIDI HW connected with affecting the Maschine ARP setting SW/HW.

*The newer model of KK keyboards I researched workflows on, do not possess this ability by single presence on system, and have not seen anyone try. Just the reactions of newest model/flagship not having same Komplete Kontrol/keybord capabilities, don't know specifics. Also, I am unable to as of now not able to open Komplete Kontrol "plugin" inside Maschine SW or PT (alone).

Buying this Komplete Kontrol keyboard has been the best investment and the first 40 video, second all the way to OVO 40 Komplete products. Thanks for this journey and the future.

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