Controller manager feature request

bbv99 Member Posts: 1 Newcomer

Here is a couple of features i'm missing from the controller manager:

  • Bulk editing features natively like the features in xtreme mapping and CMDR. Xtreme mapping isnt working for me anymore.
  • More modifiers
  • More conditions
  • More advanced conditions including AND, OR and NOT operators
  • Ability to set device target as assignment for remix deck and submix/ stems controls


  • Patch
    Patch Member Posts: 283 Pro

    Agreed. I am utterly gobsmacked that TP4 did not implement mapping similar to CMDR. It's an absolute LIFE SAVER.

  • deejayollie
    deejayollie Member Posts: 12 Member

    I agree, Xtreme Mapping was great for bulk editing Midi Mapping controls for Mac, but they haven't updated their software and now it's not useable at all for the new Mac OSX.

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