Mixing midi input with GUI mouse control.

Bolle Member Posts: 377 Pro
edited October 2024 in Building With Reaktor

Hi all,

I'm trying to control a virtual mod wheel with both midi input and mouse control.

In and of itself it's easy. Just merge the two. But in case of a knob or mod wheel, midi control only really works if the virtual 'fader' on the GUI is set to zero. That way the output of the fader doesn't get merged with the incoming midi values.

I need something that switches between letting either midi or mouse (virtual fader) values through, depending on which controller is last used.

This is what i have now. It works for the Pitch Bend control, by way of a Mouse Area, because the Pitch Bend wheel automatically jumps back to zero.

Midi input (Controller : mod wheel) here gets merged and interferes with the GUI fader and vice versa.

Any ideas?




  • colB
    colB Member Posts: 1,007 Guru

    Maybe 'soft takeover' is what you are after?

    If the GUI control is used, then the hardware mod wheel is used, it immediately jumps to the value the hardware mod wheel is currently at… then if you go back to the GUI slider, the same jump problem occurs…

    If that's the problem then soft takeover might be appropriate.

    You would set it up so that when switching to a different control input, it ignores the input value until it is within some small threshold of the last value from the other control input before transferring actual control… or just wat until it 'crosses' the value…

    I'm pretty sure this can be achieved in Primary. Maybe easier in core though.

    You probably want some initialisation logic to immediately pick whichever mode is used first without soft takeover, then use it after that.

  • Bolle
    Bolle Member Posts: 377 Pro

    Yes, that's what i'm going for.

    I found a pretty simple solution.

    All i did was give the fader the same midi CC number as the Controller. I had no idea this would work. But now, any position i set the fader to gets taken over by the exact value of the Controller when i move the mod wheel of my midi controller. Vice versa, when i set the mod wheel on my midi controller and then move the virtual fader with my mouse, the output value changes from the modwheel input to the mouse input value. Totally unexpected outcome, but it works. Depending on where i "grab" the fader it can be a bit jumpy, but that's ok. I see that on even the best VSTi's.



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