S88 MK3 with Cubase 13. Does not work any ideas?

Expat Member Posts: 8 Member

i have owned an S88Mk3 for a coupe of months now replacing a Mk2. While I am able to get sound using the keyboard, I am unable to get the screen to work with more than one track. Week after week Customr Care have been sending me suggestions but none have worked and I have sadly sold my Mk2. I wish I had kept it.

Has anyone else had these problems? Has anyone got solutions?



  • Skijumptoes
    Skijumptoes Member Posts: 87 Advisor
    edited August 2024

    If you click the '88' keyboard icon in Komplete (Top of the KK screen), does it then take control and update the screen?

    Could it be that you're re-ordered the parameters using Cubase's remote control editor perhaps? It used to be that there's a VST 'NIKBxx' parameter that has to be first on the list for the hardware to recognise which instance of KK to connect to. I don't know if Mk3 is still the same.

    Also, are you using any third party MIDI remote mappings that could affect it?

  • BIF
    BIF Member Posts: 1,062 Guru

    OP, did it ever work correctly for you or has it always been this way?

    Windows, Mac, and what version?

    How is the MK3 connected to the computer?

  • Expat
    Expat Member Posts: 8 Member

    I have had exactly the same problem in every detail. I sold my Mk2 as well. Native Instruments have sent me dozens of ideas to fix my Mk3, all to no avail.

    Eventually they suggested I send it back, and get my money back. They said they would put put me in touch with the appropriate department. Now they do not reply to anything. I have bought a second hand Mk2 so that I can continue my work, but I’m want to be rid of my Mk3 and I want my money back.

    They were super responsive with ideas on solving my problem, but now have ditched me. I am furious.

  • BIF
    BIF Member Posts: 1,062 Guru
  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,517 mod

    All is in motion, the device will be returned and refunded.

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