Seeking Help to sync groups LFOs

lucasperrard Member Posts: 1 Newcomer
edited October 2024 in Scripting Workshop

Hello ! I'm new to scripting in Kontakt and I have some issues with my groups LFOs.

What I want to achieve is the "Marimba Repeat" effect found on the Lowrey TBO organ, where the organ volume is controlled by some sort of a square wave but is out of phase by 180° on certain notes (D,D#,E,G#,A,A#).

What I have done is I made groups for my "in phase" notes and groups for my "out of phase" ones, put a multi LFO on my groups volumes, synced the frequency of my lfos to the host tempo, with a 180° phase on those that needed it, and declicked the retrigger button.

But when I play, my groups LFOs are almost never in sync with each others, sometimes the ones that needs to be out of phase are, and sometimes they aren't ! Is there some way to sync the LFOs so that everytime I play a note it is always in sync with the other notes LFOs ?


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