Is it possible to install Traktor4 Pro on Mac OSX Big Sur?

James McMorrough
James McMorrough Member Posts: 5 Member
edited October 2024 in Traktor Software & Hardware

Is it possible to install Traktor4 Pro on Mac OSX Big Sur (v11.7.10)? It says the Installer needed upgrading which I did to v2 and now the installer says it needs OSX v12 (Monterey) to install, which my Late 2103 MacBook Pro can't install. Is there any way I can just get the Traktor4 .DMG file and get it to install on my machine? I cannot afford to upgrade my MacBook just to get this software to run! Traktor Pro 3 runs perfectly on this machine as I have absolutely nothing else installed on it as this is my Performance laptop. Fingers crossed, please don't make my machine obselete? I have read about using OpenCore Legacy patcher to force Monterey onto these machines, but that seems like turning an authentic MacBook Pro into a Hackintosh. I'd like to run the risk of Traktor running a bit slow without introducing a load of cracks and hacks…

Best Answer

  • Vocalpoint
    Vocalpoint Member Posts: 3,253 Expert
    Answer ✓

    Unfortunately no. You will need to upgrade to v12 at a minimum. Or continue to enjoy and create with v3.

    BTW - NI did not make your machine obsolete - Apple did. By choosing to end it's support for Big Sur in November 2023.



  • Vocalpoint
    Vocalpoint Member Posts: 3,253 Expert
    Answer ✓

    Unfortunately no. You will need to upgrade to v12 at a minimum. Or continue to enjoy and create with v3.

    BTW - NI did not make your machine obsolete - Apple did. By choosing to end it's support for Big Sur in November 2023.


  • PK The DJ
    PK The DJ Member Posts: 2,366 Expert

  • Heisenberg
    Heisenberg Member Posts: 393 Pro

    If you have backups of your data and are a bit experimental, you can try updating your notebook yourself:

  • James McMorrough
    James McMorrough Member Posts: 5 Member

    Yeah, I've been researching OpenCore and I've built plenty Hackintoshes back in the day (always slight problems with drivers and kexts). I just wish NI would remove the minimum requirement from Traktor4 (They would just have to recompile it without that minimum requirement) and then I could be the judge of it performs well enough, which I totally suspect it would as Traktor Pro 3 never taxes my CPU. I may have to go down this route though.

  • James McMorrough
    James McMorrough Member Posts: 5 Member

    BTW, does anyone know where I can get the Traktor4 Pro DMG WITHOUT having to use the Native Instruments Installer? I'm fully paid up with Traktor4 and have my serial number.

  • Vocalpoint
    Vocalpoint Member Posts: 3,253 Expert

    There are no special web location that I am aware to download any NI installer - unless specifically shared by support within an existing ticket.

    There have also been a few downloads posted here from @Jeremy_NI etc for things like the Kontakt "your version is too old" debacle from the past 8 months - but other than that - no direct downloads for specific products.


  • Vocalpoint
    Vocalpoint Member Posts: 3,253 Expert
    edited August 2024

    You could be making a huge assumption that it will even run on anything older than OSv12.

    Plus NI has no recourse with Apple IF they did not move the minimum.

    If Apple already dumped support of OS11 - why would any vendor need to take chances?


  • maniacintosh81
    maniacintosh81 Member Posts: 773 Expert

    You can download the demo installer and try to activate it with Native Access. Was confused after I got my TP4 licence that it didn't appeared in Native Access. Simple reason: Demo was installed before and NA just activated that installation.

  • James McMorrough
    James McMorrough Member Posts: 5 Member
    edited August 2024

    That was an excellent suggestion, and it did install just fine, alongside my registered v3 Pro, so was ready with my licence key (and v1 of Native Access), but sadly on first run gives:

    "You can’t use this version of the application “Traktor Pro” with this version of macOS.

    You have macOS 11.7.10. The application requires macOS 12.0 or later."

    so now wondering if anyone has a patch that disables that OS Check…

    again, i'll reiterate, i've bought Traktor v4 Pro, just want to try run it on BigSur without resorting to hacking with OpenCore.

    I'll carry on trying, and all sensible suggestions welcome.

  • maniacintosh81
    maniacintosh81 Member Posts: 773 Expert

    You can try Suspicious Package. With that app you can extract all files manually to the needed places. But even if you get an installation of TP4 on Big Sur this way, I am afraid that Native Access won't activate it.

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