What A D2 Successor could look like

Toltemic Member Posts: 50 Helper
edited October 2024 in Traktor Software & Hardware

as Stems in traktor are now fully integrated here's a 'D1' in the style of the x1 mk3, this is my own render and not affiliated with NI

from the bottom

  • Bottom buttons are either channel mute or play, cue and bend buttons/rev and flux. If its the latter the bend buttons change colour, red when out of sync
  • Long faders for extra volume control
  • Dedicated Filter control
  • Screen for general track information, shift button for extra control, loop and move buttons similar to the s4 mk3 and VU meters for each stem channel
  • FX on/off and FX sends
  • Screens for each channel
  • Hotcue and other controls

The D1 can also be set to mixer mode for a 4 channel mixer, with mixer fx (filter) and Z2 style FX Dry/wet on/off on the outer fx sends and macro FX parameter on/off on the inner FX sends. Especially powerful when combined with 2 x1's to control EQs.



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