Upgrading from Komplete Select 14 to Ultimate 13?

Flowsch193 Member Posts: 3 Newcomer
edited October 2024 in Komplete General


i bought Komplete Select 13 and an Upgrade Komplete to Ultimate 13.

Now i tried to transfer my Software to the buyer of my Hardware.

My Select Licence isn´t Select 13 anymore. It´s 14 now. Thats why the buyer can´t install the Packages now.

I need help to find a solution for this problem. Why does the Licence updated automatically? How can i fix this problem, without buying a new Select 13 Licence (if its possible).


  • Flowsch193
    Flowsch193 Member Posts: 3 Newcomer

    Now i find out, that the Update only happen, because the NI-Employee transfer my Register-ID of my Komplete Kontrol. And if the buyer want give the licence back, i can´t use the software anymore, too!

    Native have just broken my Licence, and now they won´t help us to fix it. The only thing they told my buyer is: buy a new one.😟

    P.S.: Sorry for my bad english.

  • Vocalpoint
    Vocalpoint Member Posts: 3,209 Expert

    When you sell your Komplete package - you are selling all of it.

    You cannot "upgrade" Select to another tier (Standard, Ultimate etc) and then conveniently sell the "new" tier to someone while hanging on to Select yourself (or whatever you are trying to do).

    Also - there is no concept of v13 here in 2024 - it is now V14 - that's why it appears that way in your NI Acct.

    I think the language barrier is preventing me from understanding the real story here. Please try and explain exactly what it is your are trying to do.


  • Flowsch193
    Flowsch193 Member Posts: 3 Newcomer

    Hello @Vocalpoint,

    thank you for your message.

    I wanted to sell (or have already sold) the following products:

    -Komplete Kontrol MK2 incl. Komplete Select
    -Komplete Ultimate 13 Upgrade for Select

    The software worked perfectly for me until then. I then wanted to transfer the licenses through the sales process. And now the two licenses are no longer compatible with each other for my customer. That's actually all there is to it. I would like to know what my options are now. Is there any chance at all of getting the Ultimate 13 upgrade license to work?

    My biggest concern is that the customer will no longer want the software and I will then get it back. And then I won't be able to use it myself either.

    Kind regards

  • Vocalpoint
    Vocalpoint Member Posts: 3,209 Expert

    This sound like a job for NI Sales Support to look into.

    If these licenses worked for you - they should work for anyone. Good luck.


  • BIF
    BIF Member Posts: 1,077 Guru

    As @Vocalpoint says, NI can probably help you.

    But this is also why I'm going to be buried with my keyboards and my hard drives! I AM going to take it with me, lol!

  • Kubrak
    Kubrak Member Posts: 3,124 Expert

    @Flowsch193 What has happened is that when bundled SW is transferred, new owner gets current version, not version of seller. And seller keeps the version he had before HW transfer…..

    It is great for NI customers…. In most cases…. But not all, like yours.

    It has happened to me that buyer wanted specifically Guitar Rig 5, but received GR 6 instead with transferred HW…. I have asked NI to transfer buyer also my licence of GR5 as I did not need it, later on. And NI did it even thought it was untransferable.

    So, if you do not need Komplete 13 Select licence for yourself, you might ask NI to transfer to buyer also your K13S. Buyer would have K13S and K14S in that case…. That is possibly easier to acomplish. You have to explain your case, that buyer needs also Base Product for K13U Upgrade, your K13S.

    Or you might try to ask NI Support to change buyer's licence from K14S to K13S. That is probably harder to acomplish as probably buyer would have to ask NI and describe the case…..


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