STEMS - Which controller are you using?



  • Fuzzyruto
    Fuzzyruto Member Posts: 10 Newcomer

    my statement is 100% false, we do have controls

  • viper9711
    viper9711 Member Posts: 230 Pro

    I use my old F1. Nice effect with stems - the pads function as VU meters for each stem in different colors :)

  • Stevan
    Stevan Traktor Mapping Mod Posts: 2,220 mod

    S8/D2 is definitely the best option that we have for stems currently. I also enjoy using F1 and TW with external mixer setup.

  • bobbyduracel
    bobbyduracel Member Posts: 37 Member

    just waiting for the S8 + jogs to manifest.

  • Dred
    Dred Member Posts: 16 Member

    does anybody use akai lbd8? Intresting Is it work on Mac

  • Fritz
    Fritz Member Posts: 34 Helper

    2x D2 user here. They were a staple of my setup since they were released because of the screens. I never use my laptop screen as I dont like to have it in between myself and the crowd. So I never lost STEM controls.

  • pr0sa
    pr0sa Member Posts: 1 Newcomer

    I used basically a Traktor S3…

    But since I updated to Traktor pro 4 i wanted to have more control for FX and Stems.

    So i bought me some old Hardware to test it:

    1 x Maschine MK2
    2 x Traktor X1 (MK1)

    I started to make me a own mapping for a Maschine MK2 and Kontrol X1.
    I will try to use the Knobs and Buttons (under and ontop the Display) to control for the Stems ( Volume and Mute)
    And 2x Kontrol X1 (MK1) for Deck FX and Stem Filters. ( 1 for Deck A & for Deck B)

    I hope it will work for me!

  • OoA7
    OoA7 Member Posts: 6 Member

    I'm using an S5 which I believe was designed with stems in mind so no mapping required.

  • eevee
    eevee Member Posts: 13 Member

    S8. It's perfect. Check out /r/traktorpro, it's gained quite a cult following there.

  • Stevan
    Stevan Traktor Mapping Mod Posts: 2,220 mod

    I mess with S4 Mk3 mapping and think I found my new favorite way of mixing stems. My deck assign buttons above the EQ's are my EQ/Stem selector just like on Z1 Mk2 but unlike the Z1 where the stem volume is mapped 1:1 (0-100% phisically and virtually on the screen), my knobs are mapped at a different rate (0-50% phisically and 0-100% virtually) which leaves phisical 50-100% unused but that is where superknob mapping comes in and applies a Stem Filter control.

    Sorry for camera and video quality, this is here just to give you idea.

    Additionaly this mapping is going to also send all the same submix settings when duplicating Stem Decks as well. The EQ knobs are based on global midi so they can be easily adopted to work on any midi controller.

  • Mgurl
    Mgurl Member Posts: 1 Member

    I’ve been using 2x D2’s for several years now. Got mine used but in mint condition from a guy on

    marketplace who couldn’t get his head around them, I paid $300 usd and got 2 custom flight cases he made to boot. Deal of the century for me! S3 handles the other business.

  • TurnedTables
    TurnedTables Member Posts: 64 Advisor

    DVS DJ. I use 2 x F1 and a Z2 with a stem mapping which lets you use the cues to toggle mute on the stems, which sometimes makes it a bit easier to jam because I can reach the pads from the turntables faster than the F1’s.

  • viper9711
    viper9711 Member Posts: 230 Pro

    Z2 with Stems Mapping, X1 MK2 and F1

  • hardbea7
    hardbea7 Member Posts: 21 Member

    thats awesome!!! this is what I've been looking for… could you please share the mapping?

    I love how other dj softwares (Djay, VDJ, Serato) implemented their stems volume control..

    SHIFT + headphone CUE to toggle between EQ/STEMS. i wish this exact controls can be done in traktor …

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