Traktor pro 4: stem separation but still no live stems separation



  • trecx
    trecx Member Posts: 5 Member

    yeah i understand but, they were talking about live stems. And it's not. And if it is about the quality, why they just don't give us the choice…

  • Suitstusir
    Suitstusir Member Posts: 8 Member

    Just to check I'm understanding this correctly.......

    Are you saying it's possible to get Algoriddim DJay to:

    1. Analyse your library
    2. Beatgrid your tunes using it's AI magic formula
    3. Split your tunes into Stems
    4. Import tracks into Traktor, and it will be able to read the beatgrid and stems created in Algoriddim Djay Pro?

    That sounds amazing!!!

    I'd be more than happy to use that as a workaround until Traktor has AI beatgridding.

    Do I require any other software to make this work?

  • NoName69
    NoName69 Member Posts: 27 Helper

    Were comparing Traktor vs Djay Pro which costs a lot of more money than Traktor. (That means they can afford more developers)

    Were just at 4.0 version. They will definetly improve. People underestimate how much work on that update is involved. Changing the UI framework is similar of reworking 50% of that software.

    Ive made a post on Page 6 on that Traktor 4 release post how they could implement hardware acceleration for almost realtime stem seperation. They definetly know that issue and will improve.

  • Owner
    Owner Member Posts: 594 Guru
    edited July 2024

    Are you saying it's possible to get Algoriddim DJay to:

    No, I was saying that Neural Mix 2 will do the job for you, not djay Pro! The neural mix functions in djay Pro are also available as a stand alone app and get a rewrite (update) to from their development team a few day back.

    Analyse your library

    I haven't tried batch processing yet, but at least you have a browser and your library displayed in Neural Mix 2.

    Split your tunes into Stems

    Yes, exactly, that's what this software is designed for. With the happy side effect that you can now also benefit from the fluid beat grids from djay Pro.

    Import tracks into Traktor, and it will be able to read the beatgrid and stems created in Algoriddim Djay Pro?

    No, this feature allows you at the moment only to generate .aac or .wav. after this you had to go an extra step with e.g. the stem creating tool from NI, or Nuo Stems, to generate .mp4 (or .stem). I would recommend NUO Stems because of the possibility of batch processing (haven't tested this yet). Or go with a freeware solution like Stemgen (haven't tested this yet).

    Here is a official statement from a member of Algoriddim, so that you can get an idea of ​​what is currently possible and that I am not talking nonsense about my possible workaround:

    "The automatic straightening of warped tracks is already functional through the export options. At this time, this feature supports only the more commonly used audio output formats being AAC and WAV.

    Additionally, .stem support is not available at this time,

    You may want to look into 3rd party software(s) to convert exported stems into desired file formats but we do not have any specific documentation on that topic".

  • PK The DJ
    PK The DJ Member Posts: 2,366 Expert
    edited July 2024

    @Owner said: "it's a lot of work, similar to warping a track in ableton"

    Actually, warping a track in Live is hardly any work now. Ableton improved the Auto-Warp so it's possible to do on the Push standalone, meaning that in many cases very little intervention is required.

  • Suitstusir
    Suitstusir Member Posts: 8 Member

    Thank you for your swift and detailed reply.

    Apologies for assuming you were using DJay Pro......I didn't realise that Neural Mix 2 was even a thing until you mentioned it today.

    One question I still have, that I don't think you've covered:

    Does the beatgrid get transferred when you import into Traktor?

    Algoriddim beatgridding is so good, I'd happily beatgrid with there software if I knew I could then import it into Traktor.

    Thank you for your time on this topic.

  • Owner
    Owner Member Posts: 594 Guru

    nice. good to know. they are a few solutions out there.

  • Owner
    Owner Member Posts: 594 Guru

    you're welcome. yes, of course. Because the final file will be "perfectly quantized" after these steps. Traktor only has to analyze a straight beatgrid without fluctuations, which has never been a problem so far.

  • toimlf
    toimlf Member Posts: 4 Member

    Do you have any doubts? I downloaded the demo version for testing but when I click on the song to create the stem file, the option doesn't appear.

    Is this only available in the purchased version? Isn't it possible to test it in the demo version?

  • Isotoxin
    Isotoxin Member Posts: 213 Advisor

    Are You using real files? Not the streaming services? You need locally stored songs to generate stems from them. Not the songs from a Beatport/Beatsource.

  • Heisenberg
    Heisenberg Member Posts: 393 Pro

    And the songs you want to use have to be in a playlist.

  • toimlf
    toimlf Member Posts: 4 Member

    They're not from beatport. It's on the SSD. But it's like the friend there also said. I discovered that you need to be on an internal Traktor playlist to be able to accept generating STEM.

    In short: I DID IT! hahahaha

    Thank you in every way guys

  • Fotis Leon
    Fotis Leon Member Posts: 68 Helper
  • lord-carlos
    lord-carlos Member Posts: 3,876 Expert

    Yes. For the "create stems" menu to show up the track has to be in a playlists.

  • Scratch-E Con
    Scratch-E Con Member Posts: 102 Advisor

    IMO RipX DAW produces overall the best results. But I only use that if quality really matters. Other than that Serato's real time separation is most of the times good enough for me.

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