NKS Development Discussion



  • CubaseThomas
    CubaseThomas Member Posts: 29 Member


    I just bought this nice deal: 1320 patches for Zebra and Zebra HZ by The Unfinished (Nordsund Bundle):


    Did maybe someone already make a NKS library for this? Thanks!

  • Kymeia
    Kymeia NKS User Library Mod Posts: 4,628 mod
    edited January 2023

    No because it’s a commercial bank but you can export nksf banks directly from Zebra anyway (you need to do this with the VST2)

  • Jericho528
    Jericho528 Member Posts: 6 Member

    hello is their a way I can get the latest presets for arcade by output that we have. also, i put this post about every three months. I was wondering is there a folder being updated in dropbox with these files. if so can i be envited. thanks.

  • Kymeia
    Kymeia NKS User Library Mod Posts: 4,628 mod
    edited January 2023

    NKS templates for PSP Springbox and PSP Saturator - Springbox I also saved all presets for, Saturator so far just the template as there are a lot more presets


  • Sunborn
    Sunborn NKS User Library Mod Posts: 2,773 mod

    This is a really annoying thing with u-he. Using the new Dark Zebra, i converted 4 non-factory banks, by using the VST3 version. All done very fast and with tags, thumbs up for this, but......

    1- ALL the files went to the factory folder, without been separated by bank and worst, without previews.

    2- Even though i used the VST3 version, they do not work! They still need the VST2 version... What is the point of this, i don't understand... They put so much effort and do so much good work (the only plugin i think with native nksf conversion), but the result is rather disappointing.

  • Kymeia
    Kymeia NKS User Library Mod Posts: 4,628 mod
    edited January 2023

    There are things you need to do to avoid most of this.

    1) Create your bank first in the u-he browser by dragging the patches onto the bank tag (same way you create tags)

    2) Setup the default u-he NKS folder so you can put each bank exported in its own folder. What I do is temp rename the Zebra2/HZ NKS folder by putting an x in the name then create an empty folder named Zebra2/HZ so when Zebra exports the bank they go in there instead. Then simply rename that folder with your bank name and when done revert the NKS factory folder to its original name. This way you can then either keep them in factory in separate banks or move them to user.

    3) u-he plugins do migrate so in the absence of the VST2 they should load in the VST3 (or on M1 Mac) but by default they use the VST2.

    4) Diva, Hive and Repro also have NKS export, other than u-he the only other plugins I know if that have this are bx Oberhausen and Knifonium. None of them create previews unfortunately but there are ways to create them manually. I’ve just created a load myself so tell me which ones you need previews for and if I have them I can share them.

  • Sunborn
    Sunborn NKS User Library Mod Posts: 2,773 mod

    1-2) This make sense indeed, i should have thought of rename the folder! Thanks

    3) No they don't on Zebra case! i don't have Diva and Hive... and i did tried many times. Every time that i remove the VST2 .dll fro the vst folder, Maschine refuses to load them... "Plugin can not be found", even if the VST3 version is always in the default vst3 folder. So, maybe this migrate-update is for Mac only so far?

    4) It would be nice to have the previews, yes, if you have those specific 4 banks (Triple Spiral Audio - Aporia, Empty Fields, Pagan I & Pagan II). If not, i can live without them too 🙂

  • Kymeia
    Kymeia NKS User Library Mod Posts: 4,628 mod
    edited January 2023

    OK they are migrating for me in Zebra 2 and HZ - maybe that is Mac only but I doubt it. I had to rescan all my plugins after running both the Maschine and KK updates, then the u-he updates so maybe try that?

    I should have done this ages ago - there is no reason why we can't share previews for commercial banks even if it would not be right to share the presets so I have created a Previews folder in the user library and will upload those I have, I encourage everyone here to do the same. I have created a read me in the root with suggested format.

    Just posted a load of Zebra 2 previews - some of these were created by myself and some shared by Christos Adamos but I can't remember which so I have just uploaded them all - I feel sure he won't mind

  • Vagus
    Vagus Member Posts: 448 Guru

    Yep, migration is only for Mac. I'm not sure why Lars would only do Mac, but I'm sure there are reasons.

  • Kymeia
    Kymeia NKS User Library Mod Posts: 4,628 mod

    That's odd - especially as it seems to work for the others. Maybe because it's only really absolutely necessary right now on Mac and Zebra 3 is in development?

  • Kymeia
    Kymeia NKS User Library Mod Posts: 4,628 mod
    edited January 2023

    Preview folder - so far just u-he but I have others to post later

    Posted what I have for Hive now too - again some I created myself but not all are for banks I have personally (yet) - some are previews made by others including Christos that I have just collected in case I picked up the banks at some point, apologies if I can't recall everyone but thanks to all contributors

  • Axis
    Axis Member Posts: 2 Member
    edited January 2023
    I don't quite understand the point of distributing your previews without the corresponding *.nksf files ?
  • Kymeia
    Kymeia NKS User Library Mod Posts: 4,628 mod
    edited January 2023

    Because we are not going to get into sharing commercial nksf banks as it would basically be like giving away someone else's products and therefore illegal. However people can save their own nksf patches using Komplete Kontrol (one by one) and some plugins, including all NKS compatible u-he plugins, bx Oberhausen and Knifonium, can batch export their own nksf files, but not the previews. So this is a way of enabling people to get hold of those to save them the effort of creating their own (which is also possible but time consuming without automation)

  • Sunborn
    Sunborn NKS User Library Mod Posts: 2,773 mod

    A compromising solution between the last 2 comments could be to share nksf for free banks... since they are free...

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