Roland RPU3 comaptible with S88 MK3?

Robert Johan
Robert Johan Member Posts: 9 Member
edited July 17 in Komplete Kontrol

Hi there,

Scrolling through many discussions, I have not found a clear answer, whether the 3 pedal unit of Roland RPU3 is compatible with S88 MK3. there are 3 continuous controlling pedals in the RPU3 and I wonder that one of them can be assigned as a sustain with half pedaling.

Best Answer

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 11,830 mod
    Answer ✓

    This pedal has not been tested so we wouldn't recommend buying one along with the MK3 keyboard. I checked the manual of the RPU3 and there was not much information. I'm not saying it won't work but we don't officially support it.


  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 11,830 mod
    Answer ✓

    This pedal has not been tested so we wouldn't recommend buying one along with the MK3 keyboard. I checked the manual of the RPU3 and there was not much information. I'm not saying it won't work but we don't officially support it.

  • BIF
    BIF Member Posts: 942 Guru


    I have that pedal in another room. I have the S61 MK3, not the S88 MK3. But if you think it would be a valid test, I'd be willing to go get it. I probably need to vacuum under it anyway, lol!

  • HenryD8
    HenryD8 Member Posts: 4 Newcomer

    I wish NI would update the compatible pedals web page. It's been almost a year and it still shows only MK1 and MK2 compatible pedals.

  • ToddlerTN
    ToddlerTN Member Posts: 17 Member

    The Roland RPU-3 features three continuous pedals and is the best on the market, which would make it a perfect fit for the MK3 keyboards. Frustratingly, I can only get it to work in switched mode, so no half-pedaling. Continuous mode registers nothing whatsoever on any pedals/inputs. It’s most likely something that could be easily remedied in a firmware update, but only if NI cares, which they haven’t for the several years I’ve been asking about this pedal. I use it with a MIDI Expression unit, so problem solved for me, but it would ideally work natively (no pun intended). If you're content with limiting it’s functionality to operate as three switched pedals, it does work.

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