assign roland tr8s individual channels to maschine +

dthedarius Member Posts: 15 Member
edited October 2024 in Traktor Software & Hardware

Hello, i am trying to control my tr8s with my maschine +

I saw there is a way to do that by creating a group with midi ext and selecting the tr8 template, i selected the template, connected my tr8s via usb with my maschine.

The only problem is that all midi signal is coming from input channel 1 of my tr8s is there a way to separate the midi signal since i have 12 different midi inputs coming from my tr8 ? Thank you for your time


  • frankzbruckmann
    frankzbruckmann Member Posts: 40 Member

    i have connected it via usb and trs you can map the different sounds by changing the transpose option and you can trigger the tr8s with maschine

  • dthedarius
    dthedarius Member Posts: 15 Member

    Thank you for answering ! What do you mean by the transpose option: are you talkin about the midi output transpose option in maschine ? I tried it but it is not working for me, must have something i forgot to do, could you go more in details on how you did it @frankzbruckmann

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