Native access installs every driver why?

Blank_Disk Member Posts: 2 Member
edited October 2024 in Native Access

Why does native access install every driver for all your hardware when you instal any piece of software & can you add a checkbox to not install every driver?

nobody needs every driver installed, we only need the drivers for the hardware we own.

you software installs around 20 drivers that most of us dont need


  • DunedinDragon
    DunedinDragon Member Posts: 1,006 Guru

    What "driver" are you talking about and on what kind of computer? The only thing I ever see Native Access downloading is the compressed installation file that's used specifically to install the instrument library you purchased in the specific location you specified, and then it deletes the compressed installation file used.

  • Blank_Disk
    Blank_Disk Member Posts: 2 Member

    its a windows 11 home build computer, when installing traktor pro, it installs every driver for every dj controller they sell, i dont need every driver for every piece of equipment, at the moment im not using native instruments hardware, im using pioneer gear, just wondered why it is that it installs every driver, would be using my pioneer stuff on traktor if it supported the jog screens on the ddj-flx10

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