"Storage Issue SD Card can't be written to" when trying to use stretch in the sampler plug-in

Larsberger Member Posts: 1 Newcomer

I bought a new 512GGBSD Card for my maschine+. I can save and load projects just fine, but for some reason I get the above error message when trying to use the stretch function in the sampler plug in. Everything else in the plug-in works fine (reverse, fade in/out, etc.)

Any ideas?




  • JO:E
    JO:E Member Posts: 1 Newcomer

    hey larsberger, I have the same issue. Could you find a solution by now? Thx! 🙏

  • walerandei
    walerandei Member Posts: 22 Member

    Here the same problem. Any fix idea?

  • ozon
    ozon Member Posts: 1,819 Expert

    Does this problem always happen, regardless of what sample you use? Can you post a detailed description on how to reproduce the issue using a sample from the Maschine Factory Library?

  • Daniel jay
    Daniel jay Member Posts: 33 Member

    Hi, I never user this function do I decided to try. Same issue Here

    I Recreated the problem with the accordion a0. The first sample in the one shots factory library

  • Daniel jay
    Daniel jay Member Posts: 33 Member

    it also seems to happen with the factory provided sd card. If the lock function on the sd card is switched on it says the sd card is write protected.

  • Daniel jay
    Daniel jay Member Posts: 33 Member

    sorry this is split up into three Posts.

    It looks like a problem with factory library samples to me.

    User samples stretch just fine and so far samples from backyard jams, borough chops and chromatic fire dont have this issue on my Maschine+ neither.

    I only checked with samples in the one shots category. And tried several samples from Each expansion.

  • ozon
    ozon Member Posts: 1,819 Expert

    Bug Confirmed. Interesting is that only the Stretch function doesn't work: Samples from the Maschine Factory Library can be edited just fine in other ways (truncate, reverse, fade-in, fade-out).

    Reported to the development team.

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