Guitar Rig 7 CPU overload

PhilippeLeforestier Member Posts: 2 Newcomer

Hi πŸ‘‹

I just bought GR7 and I cannot use it as the CPU is going crazy above 60% so it's cracking a lot in Ableton Live even with UI closed ( graphic card Open GL stuff know problem might not be the cause)

I have a laptop

Dell precision i7

16Gb Ram

All the other plugins work just fine and I hardly reach 20% CPU usage with plugins on 20 more tracks.

No amp,no cab and 1 reverb works almost fine though in GR πŸ₯²πŸ˜

Looked at the recommended troubleshooting but didn't help and can't afford to raise the buffer more than 256

Thank You !

PS : In the worst case is it possible to get a refund as I bought it online yesterday?


  • PoorFellow
    PoorFellow Moderator Posts: 6,008 mod

    Dell precision i7

    I take it that this is a newer generation Dell precision ? What is the model ?

    Just in case then please try newest drivers from manufacturers site for both chips set and for sound chip . (Do that even if the sound chip driver from manufacturer is older than what is chosen by Windows 11).

    If the CPU is a newer i7 generation 12 and newer then try turning off E-cores in BIOS and use only P cores.

  • zeuxis
    zeuxis Member Posts: 1 Newcomer

    I have the same experience. If I use Cantabile with about six or seven fx plugins, GR7 will be the one driving it over the top. When I replace it with Amplitube of Revalver, everything's more than fine. I prefer GR7, because it's more to my taste, being able to create novelty sounds. But it does devour CPU power. I have an Intel Core Ultra 7 CPU with 32GB RAM memory, so that can't be the problem. If I double the buffer size the problem remains. I'm guessing it's a bug, that GR7 doesn't actually use the CPU that heavily but it just fills up the space.

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