MK3 Keyboard with 2+ Pedals MIDI CC not working properly?

DirtyJawa Member Posts: 15 Member
edited October 22 in Komplete Kontrol

Does anyone else have an issue with MK3 Keyboard sending the wrong MIDI CC when using multiple Continuous Control pedals?

I have a MK3 88 and Roland RPU-3 triple half-damper pedals (3 TRS cables) connected as continous controllers sending MIDI 64, 66, and 67 to my Hydrasynth desktops modulation matrix and Kontakt.

When 1 pedal is turned on and the others are off, that pedal sends the proper MIDI message. When any 2 are on and set to different CC messages, the keyboard sends BOTH messages no matter which pedal I press. When I have 3 pedals assigned, it sends all 3 messages. I.e. Sustain + 2 other CC messages, no matter which of the 3 pedals I press. They're individually calibrated correctly and work individually just fine.

I don't understand why this is happening, as this pedal worked fine on my Roland keyboards.

Does anyone else have this issue when using more than 1 CC pedal (two expression pedals)?

Best Answer

  • DirtyJawa
    DirtyJawa Member Posts: 15 Member
    Answer ✓

    I have good news. I fixed it. I finally got to do some more testing. I'm not sure exactly what fixed it, but I did 2 things different.

    First time that I calibrated my RPU-3 pedal, I left it at Invert Off and Swap: Ring on all 3 pedals. I had them all 3 plugged in and calibrated 1 at a time.

    This time, I changed all 3 to Swap: Tip and unplugged them all during calibration, except the pedal I was calibrating. As I plugged them back in, they all started working independently of one another.

    I believe that swapping Ring for Tip is what fixed it, but I am not entirely certain.

    I rebooted the Mk3 88, and it continues to work as expected.

    Also, I have a Mission Engineering Headrush expression pedal plugged into the expression port, and it works great with the Tip setting, but not the Ring setting.

    I can confirm both these pedals work with the MK3 88.


  • Uwe303
    Uwe303 Moderator Posts: 3,839 mod


    have you tested to press one down and then another, or one half way and then another - does it then behave the same? I only have one pedal but I can try to just enable the other 2 inputs of my MK3 49 and try it out if I'm back at my PC, then we should know if it's an issue of the mk3.

  • DirtyJawa
    DirtyJawa Member Posts: 15 Member

    Yes, I tested them individually (with the other 2 turned off in the settings). When I turn "Off" pedals 2 and 3, they still perform the same function as pedal 1 is assigned (Sustain in my case). So I could press any of the 3 pedals to get a sustain effect, even though 2 and 3 were turned off in settings.

    To make sure it wasn't a software issue, I tried it in standalone with my Hydrasynth utilizing it's Mod Matrix (assigning 1 to sustain CC 64, 2 to filter cutoff CC 66, 3 to filter resonance CC 67).

    When I left 2 pedals off, all 3 pedals sent the same message as the one that was left on to an assigned CC when depressed.

    When I left 1 pedal off, all 3 pedals sent 2 of the same CC (to cutoff and Resonance, when sustain was off).

    When I turned all 3 onto CC 64, 66, and 67: all 3 individually sent all 3 messages.

    I.e. all 3 pedals behaved as 1 single pedal, no matter how many functions were assigned. It's like they're being linked together somehow, which is odd because they're 3 separate circuits.

    I will do some continuity testing (using TRS cables) to rule out the possibility of a short circuit in the keyboard.

    I will also plug in 1 pedal while turning on the other 2 in settings to see if it sends those other messages.

    I'm curious if this is happening to any other people with MK3 88 and multiple expression pedals or multiple half-damper??

  • DirtyJawa
    DirtyJawa Member Posts: 15 Member
    Answer ✓

    I have good news. I fixed it. I finally got to do some more testing. I'm not sure exactly what fixed it, but I did 2 things different.

    First time that I calibrated my RPU-3 pedal, I left it at Invert Off and Swap: Ring on all 3 pedals. I had them all 3 plugged in and calibrated 1 at a time.

    This time, I changed all 3 to Swap: Tip and unplugged them all during calibration, except the pedal I was calibrating. As I plugged them back in, they all started working independently of one another.

    I believe that swapping Ring for Tip is what fixed it, but I am not entirely certain.

    I rebooted the Mk3 88, and it continues to work as expected.

    Also, I have a Mission Engineering Headrush expression pedal plugged into the expression port, and it works great with the Tip setting, but not the Ring setting.

    I can confirm both these pedals work with the MK3 88.

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