NKS migration is not working in Komplete Kontrol 3.21 , Arturia, Dune

saschavs Member Posts: 15 Member
edited 9:21AM in Komplete Kontrol

Hi ,

I am on Mac M1 14.4.1 ,

I have Maschine 2.81

and Komplete Kontrol 3.21


Unfortunately the latest versions of Arturia V Collection but also Synapse Dune 3.6 are showing in the browsers , but are not working in Komplete ( in Maschine it is working) due to VST Migration . Though the vst 2 versions are installed (at least for Arturia).

  1. Any solution ?
  2. Are the plugins working in Maschine because Maschine also is capable of using AU versions ?

Any thoughts are welcome

Best Answer

  • Kymeia
    Kymeia NKS User Library Mod Posts: 4,628 mod
    Answer ✓

    You need to make sure the NKS files installed by Arturia software centre are the latest versions, in the installer ensure third party content is selected and also VST3. Then rescan all plugins, that should fix it for Dune too (on demand scan not startup scan)


  • Sunborn
    Sunborn NKS User Library Mod Posts: 2,772 mod

    For the Synapse Dune 3.6 (and probably for Arturia too) they do migrate fine, so, you do not need the VST2 versions anymore! In fact, they possibly even make things more confusing.

    I suggest to delete them, keep only VST3 and then do a full re-scan in Komplete Kontrol

  • saschavs
    saschavs Member Posts: 15 Member

    Thanks for the quick answer , as there is no Dune VST2 on the Mac , I doubt that this will be the problem at least for Synapse , however (though the VST2 folder is not scanned anyway, as I did not include him in the Komplete settings) for Arturia I just tried with one plugin and deleted the VST2 in Arturia file and VST standard file and rescan , unfortunately the result is the same …migration error

    I also deleted one complete Plugin with all the third party support files and NKS and reinstalled it , same result … migration error

    (by the way Arturia is installing as a standard the vst2 version in the Arturia Folder , despite the fact you unselect VST2 during installation)

    besides I am really annoyed by the fact , that Komplete Kontrol is doing a full rescan anytime I launch it, though I did not install or change anything .

  • Kymeia
    Kymeia NKS User Library Mod Posts: 4,628 mod
    Answer ✓

    You need to make sure the NKS files installed by Arturia software centre are the latest versions, in the installer ensure third party content is selected and also VST3. Then rescan all plugins, that should fix it for Dune too (on demand scan not startup scan)

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