[NKS] Freelance Soundlabs 3rd Party NKS Libraries for Komplete Kontrol / Maschine
Update: Roland Cloud
Have updated a heap of things reported back by users (so thanks those that have taken the time to find and report issues). If you happened to find anything that is not listed here, let me know
- Updated versioning to 3.0.0 for all libraries in this round of fixes to reflect all VST3 libraries being v3.0.0
- Sound Canvas Fixed Organs, Pianos and Mallets having a keyrange offset of +24
- Sound Canvas Re-rendered previews for incorrect keyrange offset presets
- Sound Canvas Added missing drum kits for "channel 10" but mapped to channel 1. Find under Drums
- SRX Series Added missing "SRX Orchestra" instrument
- TB303 Fixed missing Cutoff parameter and adjusted template a bit
- TB303 Added non-synched playable preset bank to play presets from keyboard without host sync
- TR606 Fixed missing preview samples
- TR606 Added non-synched playable preset bank to play presets from keyboard without host sync
- TR707 Added non-synched playable preset bank to play presets from keyboard without host sync
- TR727 Added non-synched playable preset bank to play presets from keyboard without host sync
- TR808 Added non-synched playable preset bank to play presets from keyboard without host sync
- TR909 Added non-synched playable preset bank to play presets from keyboard without host sync
- Zenology Series Fixed Factory bank E XV Collection missing bank name
- Zenology Series Fixed missing previews for some banks
- Zenology Series Set version to 3.0.0 to reflect VST3 compatibility
- Zenology Series Updated "Model Expansions" presets with osc edit controls for each model
- Zenology Series Added some additional tagging
All libraries should now show 3.0.0 as the version in Properties within Komplete Kontrol
Delete existing library and download/replace with the included ones. No need to replace the database files.
Now Available: Roland Cloud Zenology
Zenology is now available, some may have seen this pop up on the site last week but there were a few issues which I had to fix but it should now be good to go.
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Latest Releases
NKS Library for Steinberg Halion 6 Instrument Collection Welcome to the Steinberg Haslion 6 NKS Library for Komplete Kontrol / Maschine. This NKS library offers full browsing and macro control of the below instruments and includes fully tagged files, sound previews and database files for your...
NKS library now available for Steinberg Halion 6 that includes fully tagged files, sound previews, database files and banks for the following instrument libraries:
- Anima
- Auron
- B-Box
- Halion Factory
- Halion Sonic 2 Combis
- Halion Sonic Factory
- Halion Sonic SE
- Hot Brass
- HS3 Combis
- Model C
- Raven
- Skylab
- Studio Strings
- Trium
- Voltage
- World Instruments
- World Percussion
Basic macro control is available at the moment as there appears to be an issue with Halion where learned parameters do not recall on a different system for some reason. More testing needs to be done in this area and if it can be improved I will issue an update but for now the macro control is available and presets should launch in the VST3 version of Halion.
Halion Sonic 3 and SE NKS libraries now available.
As I understand with Halion Sonic SE it may come bundled with different instruments. I have included all available instruments from the Absolute 5 collection and I know there are a few free ones also available officially from Steinberg which will be added in a free update soon. If you have Halion Sonic 3 you do not need the Halion Sonic SE library I would not think.
All factory presets converted to NKS with sound previews, detailed tagging, artwork and pretty hefty 35+ page templates.
Retrologue has been almost completely mapped including effects and modulation controls so should offer in-depth control for visually impaired users.
Padshop was more of a challenge since it has dual layers and a lot of effects controls. Almost all controls for both layers have been mapped but effects would require about 12 additional pages so only effects on/off parameters have been mapped at this stage since the template is 37 pages already.
If you download the readme for these a generated table of all pages and controls is available for reference.
This NKS Library covers all factory presets for Backbone with an in-depth control template, sound previews, full tagging and database/artwork files.
Backbone contains a lot of parameters since there are 8 layers. The main performance controls for all 8 layers have been mapped to the first pages and all in-depth controls for the first 4 layers have also been mapped since most presets only use up to 4 layers.
This may be improved and refined but should offer a good balance between control and number of pages. You can check the ReadMe for a full table of the available controls
This library contains NKS preset files for all factory kits in Groove Agent 5.
This library covers the following kits:
- Acoustic Agent Rock Essentials
- Acoustic Agent Rock Kit
- Acoustic Agent Standard Kit
- Acoustic Agent Studio Kit
- Acoustic Agent The Kit
- Acoustic Agent Vintage Kit
- Beat Agent Future Past Perfect
- Beat Agent Kits
- Beat Agent Prime Cuts
- Beat Agent Raw Power
- Multi Kits
Custom mapping has been painstakingly done for each kit/preset as controls and kits differ in functionality. Because of this you will find each different kit type / preset has a different set of controls available that specifically controls that preset/kit.
Because parameters need to be enabled for “host automation” before mapping this will save you a lot of time when it comes to controlling a kit. It is suggested if you wish to make custom kits you select a preset that has the desired kit loaded first so the controls are pre-set.
Controls consist of kit/bus volume controls along with control over all acoustik kit pieces (tune, decay etc)
Update for Korg Collection 3 to VST3
I have an update that should hopefully work for macOS users or anyone wanting to update to VST3.
This was nothing short of painful to do since it seems different instruments have completely different programmers handling them and there are different issues each one has. I find the whole Korg eco system a mess TBH.
Anyway, some of these were updated to VST3, some migrate on their own and some have been completely redone from scratch. There are some things to be aware of tho:
- LegacyCell is not yet updated. There is no VST3 version available for PC and even tho I asked Korg a week ago, I still have heard nothing back (a pretty standard result)
- Some plugins such as Wavestation will open in either VST2 or VST3 versions of the plugin BUT the controls don't match up. Wavestation only has 3 controls available so I have managed to create a "VST2" and "VST3" page that can be used.
- If you have both VST2 and VST3 versions of plugins you may find the VST2 version will open instead of VST3. The only fix for this is to remove the VST2 version from scanning into Komplete Kontrol
I have tried to test as much as I can with the time I have and things seem to work fine but if you hit any problems please let me know.
At the current moment I only have the whole Korg Collection available for the VST3 update, I will get to updating the downloads for the individual instruments soon, just at the moment this will do as I need a bit of a break.
I will have an update available probably in a month or 2 for the Korg Collection 4 instruments so don't stress, just focused to get a few more collections of libraries updated to VST3 to try reduce the inquiries a bit.
Cherry Audio GX-80 NKS Library Now Available [VST3 Only]
The latest Cherry Audio GX-80 is now NKS ready.
The control template in this release is quite hefty at I think 38 pages due to the fact this monster synth has 2 sections and 2 layers of controls. It took a few days to really figure out a template that offered functional control but also in-depth access for those that rely on hardware control. I have done my best to lay out the most useful parameters at the start of the pages and more in-depth controls in later pages.
All presets have been fully tagged and include the usual artwork, sound previews and banks for all artist libraries included in the factory library.
Cherry Audio Synth Stack 3 NKS Library Collection Now Available [VST3 Only]
To coincide with the latest "Synth Stack" bundle, there is now an available NKS bundle that covers all the instruments in the collection.
This bundle is VST3 compatible but VST2 for the older libraries is still available. Note that the latest GX-80 does NOT have a VST2 option at all as this was developed using the latest VST3 version of the plugin and there will not be a VST2 compatible NKS library!
Also note that this does not cover "Voltage Modular" as it is not a practical synth for NKS. There are no plans to cover it in future.
All Cherry Audio NKS libraries have been updated for VST3 compatibility so if you need to get VST3 library versions you can login to Your Account and update your libraries for VST3
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Now Available: Air Music MPC Collection
The MPC Instrument Collection consists of 6 available instrument sets with 8 individual plugins designed for the latest MPC hardware but is now also compatible to browse, load and control direct from both Komplete Kontrol and Maschine software and hardware controllers.
Bundled as a collection or available as separate instruments this covers all plugins with detailed controller mappings, fully tagged presets and the usual sound previews and artwork. Supports VST3. Previous MPC plugins will soon be updated to VST3.
Plugins covered:
- Fabric Piano
- Fabric Electric Piano
- Fabric XL
- OPx-4
- Organ
- Stage EP
- Stage Piano
- Studio Strings
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TAL J8 Update to fix Incorrect Parameter Mapping in Latest Versions!
There is an update available if you have the TAL J8 library which you can download from your account here:
At some stage recently an update in the TAL J8 (VST2) plugin has caused all the parameters within the plugin to change ID by 1 value causing everything in the NKS template to be incorrectly mapped.
This has now been fixed but you need to make sure you are running the latest TAL J8 version. Keep in mind that even if you dont use Komplete Kontrol, this problem will affect your recorded automations if you created projects using older versions. Not sure when the issue cropped up, NKS on my end was done with v1.3.2 around 2 years ago so any version after that could have created the problem, just something to be aware of but if you need a fixed library one is now available.
And yes, an update for the Tal plugins to VST3 will be done soon, this is nothing about the VST3 side of things, still only VST2
Update for Roland Cloud Legendary Series Expansions (Tagging Fix)
There is an update available for the Legendary Series Expansion Bundle that fixes some missing tagging for some instruments (identified as a custom tag: [] that was a marker for "no tag"). These have now all been tagged.
Additionally a fix for the Bank Juno-60 labelled as JD-800 in the NKS bank selection
Update for Roland Cloud Zenology SDZ Expansions
An update for the SDZ expansion collection is available to add additional expansions.
Added new SDZ expansions to Zenology library "SDZ Soundpacks Vol 2" and full bundle:
- SDZ117 Yacht Rock
- SDZ118 Spectral Spaces
- SDZ119 Futuristic Pop
- SDZ120 Galactic Ambient
You can get these updates from your account HERE
VST3 Update for Dexed
A free update is available for the Dexed NKS library for VST3 compatibility.
The latest Dexed version ONLY offers VST3 plugin options now, the VST2 compatibility library is still available from your download area if needed but the new library has been updated now to load the VST3 version of the plugin.
NOTE: during testing on Windows I found that the "Middle C" (or Transpose parameter as it has now been correctly called) and the LFO Wave parameter do not respond to the mapped NKS controls. This appears to be an issue in the VST3 side of things as half the parameters do not even appear in the control list in KK but can still be learned and function fine.
I have also noted the VST3 performance of Dexed is not as smooth as VST2, controls do not run as smoothly but this is something I have been finding with more plugins and appears to be a VST3 problem more than a plugin specific one (or KK). Just things to be aware of.
Get the update from your account if needed:
Air Music Updates for VST3
The following Air Music Tech libraries have now been updated to support VST3:
- Bassline
- Electric
- Hype
- Mellotron
- Odyssey
- Solina
- Tubesynth
These are free updates for owners of these libraries that you can download from your account HERE
The older AIEP plugins such as Hybrid3, Loom, Xpand do not offer VST3 versions (and unlikely to ever have VST3 versions available) so are still only VST2 but all other available Air plugins are now VST3 supported.
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Now Available: Halion 7 NKS Library
Halion 7 library now NKS ready.
This library is a complete overhaul of the Halion 6 library which does not load in the latest Halion 7 release. The following instruments that are included with Halion 7 are supported:
- Anima
- Auron
- B-Box
- Eagle
- HALion Factory
- HALion Sonic 2 Combis
- HALion Sonic Factory
- HALion Sonic SE
- HALiotron
- Hot Brass
- HS3 Combis
- Model C
- Raven
- Skylab
- Studio Strings
- Voltage
- World Instruments
- World Percussion
NOTE: this will not work in the Halion 6 plugin so you need the previous Halion 6 NKS Library for that
The control templates of each instrument have been updated to now include more in-depth control of the GUI Macro controls. This was quite challenging to do since all instruments require controls to be "Enabled" for automation via a right-click and the issue I have found is when switching presets for some instruments, this automation resets and has to be redone again. I was able to come up with a way to reset this issue and save mappings with each preset but be aware, switching presets within Halion may result in the controls not working so use the NKS browser exclusively.
All instruments are now also separate libraries in the NKS browser which should help to browse the sounds you need rather than having to check the banks for Halion:
The current library contains the instruments that are included with Halion 7 with the additional instruments included in Absolute 6 being available in the next week or so.
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For some reason Halion (and Halionsonic) seems to have stopped responding to midi notes again in KK, anyone else finding this? (Never mind got them working again)
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Hi. Its been a while, and I know its probably a bit down the queue of things to do, but any chance of some NKS updates for a few of the Roland cloud instruments? Zenology, Juno-106, Jupiter-4 and Jupiter-8 have been updated to 2.x versions, with new presets. The existing NKS packs seem to work just fine, but would be nice to have the updated content available in the near future. Many thanks!
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Yeah updates like that are low priority of the current stuff still works. I don't use Roland stuff so I have to pay the subscription to update the libraries. May not be till end of year before I update those again. It's one of those things like you said that is nice to ave another billion presets, but with everything else that needs an update it's very low oin the list of priorities for the year.
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If it’s important for you to have the new presets you can always add them yourself using the template from the Freelance pack - at least save your favourites as NKS (for large libraries I often find only a few patches I really like anyway)
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Latest Updates:
Korg Collection 4: microKorg / Electribe-R / Kaoss Pad
Updated for the Korg Collection 4 this now includes 13 instrument libraries along with the Kaoss Pad effect and an FX library for the microKorg, over 10,000 fully tagged presets in total.
With exception to Legacy Cell which does not yet offer a VST3 option for Windows, all libraries are updated to VST3 and covers the following:
- Arp Odyssey
- Electribe-R
- Kaoss Pad (Effect)
- M1
- microKorg + microKorg Effect
- miniKorg
- MonoPoly
- MS-20
- Polysix
- Prophecy
- Triton
- Triton Extreme
- Wavestation
- LegacyCell (currently only VST2 supported)
The new microKorg offers different templates for the single, layered and vocoder modes and also offers effects presets for the vocoder effect.
The Kaoss Pad effect is also included in this bundle.
Arturia Analog Lab V VST3 Update
Analog Lab V has now been updated to load with VST3 and is library version 3.0.0!
This library updates all presets for VST3 compatibility (and will no longer load in the VST2 version) and also adds a few new free expansion libraries: A.Proksa's Signature, Genesis Tribute, PatchWorks, Synthpedia. This adds an additional 1500 presets to the factory library.
In addition to this the Pigments library has now also been updated to VST3 and also updated to include content from the latest 3.5 and 4.0 Pigment updates. The new library now places it in its own dedicated "Pigments" bank menu to allow all sub banks to be browsed or selected as a full expansion:
VST3 Update for Dexed
A free update is available for the Dexed NKS library for VST3 compatibility.
The latest Dexed version ONLY offers VST3 plugin options now, the VST2 compatibility library is still available from your download area if needed but the new library has been updated now to load the VST3 version of the plugin.
NOTE: during testing on Windows I found that the "Middle C" (or Transpose parameter as it has now been correctly called) and the LFO Wave parameter do not respond to the mapped NKS controls. This appears to be an issue in the VST3 side of things as half the parameters do not even appear in the control list in KK but can still be learned and function fine.
I have also noted the VST3 performance of Dexed is not as smooth as VST2, controls do not turn as smoothly but this is something I have been finding with more plugins and appears to be a VST3 problem more than a plugin specific one (or KK). Just things to be aware of.
Get the update from your account if needed:
Air Music Updates for VST3
The following Air Music Tech libraries have now been updated to support VST3:
- Bassline
- Electric
- Hype
- Mellotron
- Odyssey
- Solina
- Tubesynth
These are free updates for owners of these libraries that you can download from your account HERE
The older AIEP plugins such as Hybrid3, Loom, Xpand do not offer VST3 versions (and unlikely to ever have VST3 versions available) so are still only VST2 but all other available Air plugins are now VST3 supported.
Now Available: GForce Oddity3 / Minimonsta2 NKS Libraries
Latest Minimonsta2 and Oddity3 NKS libraries that both support VST3.
Minimonsta2 contains 800+ factory presets fully tagged with a detailed controller map that covers most parameters.
Oddity3 has over 2000+ presets which are also tagged and includes in-depth controller mapping.
Both libraries contain artwork and sound previews and support only the VST3 version of the plugin, which should also work on macM1
Initial Audio VST3 Updates
All initial audio libraries have been updated to support VST3 and should now work on Apple Silicon.
You can find updates / update paths in your account from the My Download section
TAL Audio Updates for VST3
There are now updates for TAL Bassline, U-NO-LX, Sampler and J-8 to add support for VST3 and update some controller mappings. These are all free updates for people that own these libraries, please see below for changes that affect each plugin and you can get these updates from the My Download area
TAL Bassline
This plugin supports preset "Migration" so the current NKS library will work with the VST2 or VST3 plugin. If you have both VST2/3 installed VST2 will be used, otherwise if you only have VST3 installed it should automatically work. Updates for this library are optional:
- Updated/Fixed controller template adding a few missing parameters and re-label some controls
- Fixed missing database file for plugin display name when loaded. If you notice the main plugin image on the top ribbon missing when loaded, the included dist_database folder will fix this. Just merge with existing folder overwriting existing files (do not choose to replace the dist_database or image folders you mac users...)
TAL Sampler
This plugin supports preset "Migration" so the current NKS library will work with the VST2 or VST3 plugin. If you have both VST2/3 installed VST2 will be used, otherwise if you only have VST3 installed it should automatically work. There is not actually any library update for this one as it is not required and there is nothing that needs fixing.
This plugin supports preset "Migration" so the current NKS library will work with the VST2 or VST3 plugin. If you have both VST2/3 installed VST2 will be used, otherwise if you only have VST3 installed it should automatically work. Updates for this library are optional:
- Updated and improved controller template. SOme parameters have been moved and prioritised better.
This plugin does not support VST migration so a new VST3 library has been created. If you need to use TAL J-8 with VST3 you will need to download the latest VST3 library version from Here
Cherry Audio Mercury-6 NKS Library
Latest Cherry Audio Mercury-6 instrument now NKS. It's a pretty hefty plugin with 2 layers of controls but most of this has been mapped and grouped logically to control almost all parts of the synth. Library is fully tagged, includes sound previews and also image and database files for your NKS browser.
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Reveal Sound Spire VST3 NKS Library
NKS library for Reveal Sound Spire VST3.
I have managed to get this working on my 2 systems but needed some changes under the hood and may need to wait until Komplete Kontrol 2.9 is available but keen to see if this is working for others so see if the demo works for you.
The latest VST3 version of Spire definitely has some quirks and issues which I have been reporting through and I think some things are more stable in the very latest Beta release of Spire but there are some things to note so please read...
Firstly, from my tests on Windows 10/11 in both Maschine and Komplete Kontrol I have no issues selecting presets and controlling the plugin but have noted Spire may occasionally crash on loading a preset.
When loading NKS presets the sound is loaded correctly and the Komplete Kontrol parameters update correctly BUT the controls on the Spire GUI do not update to reflect the change until you move a control in Komplete Kontrol. This has been reported to Reveal Sound so they are aware of this but if you also have this issue I would suggest posting a bug also.
None of the parameters in KK show any value from Spire, all parameters are blank when you touch them but they do show the correct position. Reveal Sound are also aware of this and are currently trying to address this as it is not specific to Komplete Kontrol but also when used within a DAW.
Lastly, Spire stores and recalls the GUI template/size settings with presets (which is a bit stupid to do TBH) so when presets are loaded they will be 150% Default Theme. I can update this (tho it will take a full day to do) but I have written to Reveal Sound and asked if we can please have the option to NOT load GUI settings from saved presets/projects because most plugins have this as a global option and not stored with a project since if you upgrade a system or switch between different systems it messes with things. When I am confident the library works on PC and Mac I will create some additional dark options and also 200% options but that needs a whole new library created.
So a these issues are all plugin based and hopefully will be addressed as none of these are found in the VST2 version of the plugin but the core loading of presets and control seems fine.
Now Available: IK Multimedia Syntronik 2
This library offers NKS browsing for either Syntronik 2 or Syntronik 2 MAX versions.
All presets have full preset maps that cover each models controls and all tagging in Syntronik has been pulled and converted to NKS tagging. Banks are available to filter by model and also allows filtering of Syntronik 1 and Syntronik 2 version presets
Currently browsing of all single layer presets is available with Multi-layer presets available at a later stage. Please also note that IK Multimedia are... special... in some things they do. The presets they quote as available for each model are incorrect on their end, seemingly they have counted the number of "preset files" they have in their instrument folders, overlooking the fact many of these are "wavetable" presets that are not counted as instrument presets so what they claim is approx 800 more than what you officially get and I spent a good week trying to find this difference in what they claim...
Sampletank will also be available soon.... I have raised an issue with IK in how the effects automation works which currently makes it impossible to map the FX On/Off parameters in Sampletank to disable FX from the hardware, something many visually impaired users really like access to. The actual issue is there are 4 FX slots but when you host map the On/Off control and reopen the saved NKS (or a DAW project even) all these mappings are incorrectly set to FX1 slot so no longer control FX 2-4.
The problem is I cannot update this later (if it is ever fixed) as it all needs to be pre-mapped in the plugin prior to saving the NKS file and IK have confirmed this issue (in December of last year) but still have not confirmed if this will be addressed and seem to be not replying to this issue anymore. If I cannot get an answer on this soon I may have to release just the basics for this one just to make use of it but be aware even without me adding FX control, it does not allow it to be automated correctly in a DAW if you need to.
Now Available: Tone2 Electra3 / Saurus4
A complete update and overhaul of the previous Electra2 library, this new library has both a VST2 and VST3 compatible library version included.
A new controller template has been created for this latest version which should offer full control of most parameters but be aware for Maschine users the VST3 plugin version appears to have a bug (well, the developer blames Maschine and "most other DAWs" as the issue but some parameters will be missing from the template when loaded and cannot be learned. In Komplete Kontrol it is all working fine and the VST2 version works fine in either Maschine or KK.
Detailed tagging was carried over from the previously tagged Electra2 library and more tagging done for all the latest presets included in Electra3.
Saurus4 (a recent free update for Saurus3 owners) is now finally NKS compatible.
This has been on the todo list for years but Saurus2 was only VST2 and did not allow saving of NKS presets. The latest VST3 version of Saurus finally allows saving of NKS presets so this is now available for VST3 compatibility.
All presets have full tagging done by hand and sound previews.
Now Available: Halion Sonic 7 NKS for Cubase \ VST Live
After some requests and investigation there is now a new version of the Halion Sonic library available for users who only have the Cubase/VST Live version. One of the difficult things with Halion is there is Halion 7, Halion Sonic 7 and Halion Sonic SE, all different plugins and each also offers different bundles of instruments with different software so it's quite a minefield especially figuring out what comes with what.
Halion Sonic 7 Cubase / VST Live Edition is supplied with the following libraries:
- Flux
- Trip
- Verve
- Halion Sonic SE Artist
- Halion Sonic SE Basic
- Halion Sonic SE Hybrid
- Halion Sonic SE Pro
These are now included in a single library bundle and I also have this done for the full Halion 7 if there is interest for Halion 7, PM me
Now Available: Steinberg The Grand 3 NKS Library
Update: Tone2 Warlock NKS Library Now VST3 / Mac Compatible
The original release of the Warlock NKS library only supported PC as there was no VST2 version back when KK supported only VST2 plugins. This has now been updated for VST3 and has been tested to work on macOS now. This is a free update for existing users and now includes both a VST2 and VST3 compatible library version.
Now Available: Hexachords Orb Synth X NKS Library
NKS Library for Orb Synth X is now available and covers all factory presets with tagging, sound previews, database/image files and a cull controller map which also covers all modulation controls.
Note this is for the latest Orb Synth X release and does not support the original Orb Synth which is not possible to make NKS due to no controls being open for Host Automation (very strange but the dev seems to have zero plans to address this and instead suggests to upgrade to Orb Synth X, which IMO does not sound as nice as the original but that is subjective I guess).
Update: Newfangled Audio Generate / Pendulate VST3 Compatibility
Update available for both Pendulate and Generate NKS libraries for VST3 compatibility. Now includes a separate VST2 and VST3 library.
For users who already own this you can get this free update if you need VST3 compatibility Here
Update: Spectrasonics Keyscape "Double Felt Grand"
Update: Spectrasonics Keyscape 1.6 Creative Library Update
Update now available for the VST3 version of Keyscape NKS Library to add presets for the new Double Felt Grand. Update is available free in your user account. Includes both Keyscape and Omnisphere update files.
Reminder: The VST3 version has been updated but at this stage I have no plans to update the VST2 version so if you are stuck using the VST2 version you will need to consider replacing your NKS library with the latest VST3 versions.
The updated VST3 NKS library for Keyscape also includes the latest Creative Library update for the Omnisphere integration adding 250 new presets for Omnisphere Keyscape Creative library.
Just download the latest updated Keyscape library from your account (library version 3.0.2) and replace the ..User Library\Spectrasonics\Keyscape\Omnisphere library with the latest one. This should then bring the total Keyscape Creative preset count to just over 1500
Now Available: Spectrasonics Omnisphere Sonic Extension: Twisted Trees
Latest Sonic Extension "Twisted Trees" now NKS ready. Sonic Extensions use a custom macro page to shape the sound but a side effect of this is every preset is actually a different set of controls often with different IDs so each preset has to have controls mapped for that preset, this is quite a task especially since the name of parameters also changes. However this has all been done, all presets are fully tagged and include the sound previews.
This will work with the VST3 version of Omnisphere so please make sure you have that installed.
NKS Library Steinberg Halion Sonic 7 / Halion Sonic SE
A revamped and updated library for the Halion Sonic 3 release, includes all content included with the Halion Version 7 release.
Library available for either Sonic or SE and includes the following instrument libraries:
Halion Sonic 7
- Anima
- Auron
- B-Box
- Eagle
- FM Lab
- Halion Sonic 2 Combis
- Halion Sonic Factory
- Halion Sonic SE
- Haliotron
- Hot Brass
- HS3 Combis
- Model C
- Raven
- Skylab
- Studio Strings
- Tales
- Voltage
- World Instruments
- World Percussion
Halion Sonic SE
- Anima
- Auron
- B-Box
- Eagle
- Halion Sonic SE
- Haliotron
- Hot Brass
- Model C
- Raven
- Skylab
- Studio Strings
- Voltage
- World Instruments
- World Percussion
Softube Libraries Updated to VST3
All libraries for the following have been updated to work with VST3. You can download updates from your account.
- Model 72
- Model 82
- Model 84
- Monoment Bass
- Parallels
- Statement Lead
Now Available: Cherry Audio Novachord + Solovox NKS Library
This NKS library supports browsing of all factory presets for both the Cherry Audio Novachord and Solovox instruments and comes with a full controller map, tagged presets, sound previews and database/image files for the NKS browser. Supports either VST2 or VST3 plugin versions
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Now Available: Softube Model 80 NKS Library
Softube Model 80 NKS library now available allowing browse and full control of all factory presets. Includes usual sound previews, database and artwork files and has fully tagged presets.
Includes both VST2 and VST3 compatible libraries
Now Available: Lunacy Audio CUBE NKS Library
Covers the factory (and provided factory expansions) for Cube plugin with a detailed controller map, previews, artwork etc.
If enough interest is there I may look into expansions since they include sample content and require the actual expansion to be physically installed for NKS to work. Depends what the dev says on this.
Update: XLN Audio Addictive Drums 2 VST3 Compatibility
Finally have AD2 upgraded for VST3 compatibility, info on updating to VST3 compatibility can be found in your download area HERE
THis one was not as simple to update as first hoped. There are a few small changes it seems in the VST2 and VST3 versions of the plugins that make most of kit presets not carry across and strangely, some presets would work while others did not. It was a requirement to re-create the control template and then export all presets (twice) to add AD2 and GM midi map compatibility
However all has been tested now to be working in the VST3 version and will have updates available soon for Addictive Keys and XO, however these also suffer the same issues and will need a new revamp.
Update: XLN Audio XO VST3 Compatibility
XO upgraded for VST3 compatibility, info on updating to VST3 compatibility can be found in your download area HERE
Also fixed a corrupt preset I found in the library.
Update: XLN Audio Addictive Keys VST3 Compatibility
Addictive Keys upgraded for VST3 compatibility, update can be found for free in the download area HERE
Update Available: D16 Phoscyon 2 VST3 Update
This one has been updated to VST3 compatibility, it was reasonably easy so this is available as a free update, just download the latest library from your user area.
Currently this is the only D16 plugin to offer VST3 support. If/When others are updated I will look at updating them too but it's been pretty quiet from D16 lately, hopefully they are hard at work updating everything for VST3.
RELEASE: Air Music Jura & Mini D NKS Library
Libraries are available with both VST2 and VST3 versions.
Full detailed tagging, sound previews and a detailed controller map (refer to readme for controller reference list).
Update: GForce OB-E
An update is now available which fixes some presets not loading in the latest OB-E v2.5 update.
The latest OB-E update introduces a new preset browser and tagging system but also changes the format of the presets. While it should be backwards compatible the developer has said there may be some cases where presets do not load and this has caused the previous NKS library to not load some NKS files.
In addition to this the banks have also been changed along with how the presets are ordered and tagged and this has now all been updated into a new NKS library version which should work on both VST2 and VST3 plugin versions.
You can download this free update from your account Here
To update simply delete your existing OB-E NKS presets and replace with the updated library. No need to update the image/database files.
Update: GForce SEM for VST3 Compatibility
Free update for GForce SEM to work with VST3 and a new controller template. Download from your user area if you have it already.
GForce M-Tron MKII VST3 Update (PC)
Update for the M-Tron MKII plugin that adds VST3 compatibility for the PC library version only. There is currently no VST3 version offered for Mac only VST2 but if a version is ever released an updated Mac library will also be released.
Now Available: GForce M-Tron Pro IV + Expansions NKS Library
GForce M-Tron Pro IV NKS Library for Komplete Kontrol \ Maschine
A completely overhauled and updated library from the original M-Tron Pro release. This updated library is for the new M-Tron Pro IV and offers a full controller map, banks for all expansions, fully tagged files pulled direct from the new M-Tron preset browser with upgrade paths for previous M-Tron Pro NKS Library owners.
Supports both PC/Mac and VST3
Now Available: IK Multimedia SampleTank 4 NKS Library (Core)
I am finally able to release this massive library, the core factory library and expansions for SampleTank 4 and SampleTank 4 MAX. This covers the presets in both the standard and MAX versions of SampleTank 4 with up to 6700+ presets for SampleTank MAX owners.
Presets include full tagging converted from SampleTank to NKS format, custom sound previews (done with painstaken patience since many instruments operate in a limited key range and need different keys to trigger samples) and control of the macro, volume, pan and envelope controls.
To say this was a huge job is an understatement. Not only is there much content to process but SampleTank presents numerous problems in regards to making NKS that required months of work, testing and frustrations. The main problem is you have to enable "Automation" for the controls you would like to learn in KK but when you switch presets, this learned automation is reset. I have to say IK Support while responsive, are almost completely useless and will just ignore you when you hit an issue they cannot resolve and I found MANY problems in their plugins which many they confirmed but 9 months later, still no updates to fix so this resulted in me not being able to include some things I really wanted such as the ability to switch On/Off effects modules because there is a bug this results in these learned controls all resetting to effect slot 1 only on reload. Confirmed by IK as a bug in November last year and still not fixed.
Another problem I hit frequently which caused much of the added time is SampleTank will just crash when you switch presets for no apparent reason. Luckily, NKS files make this a non-issue and when loading from NKS files I never received a crash so it is how their browser loads their own data that causes this crash, luckily because making sound previews would have been a nightmare more than it was already.
Previews were also painful to make with this because many instrument presets have limited keys used so the usual method I use just hitting either C2 or C3 for the preview would often not work so it had to be done in small batches with weeks of manually fixing previews and generating new ones by hand. I am certain there will be some previews that are silent still or have terrible glitches so if you find them, just let me know what library/preset and I will fix.
Lastly is the absolute inefficient way the preset data is stored when exported. SampleTank is (IMO) a rather bloated sample player and this carries through when you save out presets too. Some NKS files can be upto 12MB each with most being between 1-6MB.... This is the worst plugin I have seen in terms of how preset data is dumped out (Omnisphere has 10x the automatable parameters but has no issue like this) and results in a 10GB space requirement for just the core library and up to 22GB needed for the entire "Total Studio" bundle of instruments which is over 16,000 files.
Now Available: IK Multimedia SampleTron 2
IK Multimedia SampleTron 2 now available. Full control over all 3 track controls however there are these macro controls:
These master Attack/Release controls are GUI macro controls and sem to link direct to the track attack/release controls but do not offer host automation so cannot be controlled from NKS. However, the individual layer controls are available.
Now Available: Cherry Audio Octave Cat NKS Library
Latest Cherry Audio Octave Cat NKS library, fully tagged, full controler map with an included control map overview in the PDF for reference. Comes with both VST2 and VST3 libraries
Sonic Projects OPX-Pro II NKS Library VST3 Update
Sonic Projects OPX-Pro II NKS Library has now been updated for VST3 compatibility. This required a complete redo as the preset format has changed since the older version used to make the original VST2 version and does not load in the latest version but the presets are exactly the same and all tagging is carried over from the old library however because it was done years ago, the control template has been updated to hopefully be a little more intuitive.
Because it now supports VST3 and macOS version of OPX supports Apple Silicon, this should now work for mac users where only PC users were able to use this till now.
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Update: WA Production / CubicAudio Ascension [VST3]
Ascension and all expansions have been updated for VST3 compatibility for both PC and Mac. Additionally, an additional expansion is also available "Factory 03".
For M1 compatibility you need to be running v1.5.1 of Ascension and will need the latest NKS library files. There are separate files included for PC and Mac as the plugin differs between systems and needs specific system library files which are both included, just unzip the ones needed.
Previous owners of the VST2 version have a small update cost for the factory library but all expansion libraries have been added to your download area for free. The previous VST2 files are no longer available in the download area, however if required just PM me.
Update: Tone2 Gladator VST3 Update
Update now available for Tone2 Gladiator adding VST3 compatibility which supports the latest Gladiator 4 version. Have also updated the template a little adding filter controls to the first page and additional mod controls at the end of the template.
Also changed the plugin name to simply "Gladiator" instead of the proceeded version number and updated artwork for the NKS browser.
Update: Tone2 Icarus 2.5 VST3 Update
Update now available for the latest 2.5 version of Icarus which updates the following:
- Reprocessed all presets with new folder structure for updated VST3 compatibility. Requires Icarus 2.5 or later
- Migrated tagging (done by hand) of previous library over to new library
- Changed Product name in NKS browser from "Icarus 2" to "Icarus"
- Updated artwork files (windows users just choose replace folders, mac users need to "merge" folders but update files
- Added 160+ new presets from 2.5 update which can be found under bank "Icarus 2.5"
- Added "Demo" banks for new list of demo files
- Updated controller template to be more intuitive and offers access to more controls such as mod controls, drum lane controls
- Controller reference list available in PDF
Update: Tone2 Nemesis 3 VST3
Update for the NKS library for Tone2 Nemesis 3 to add VST3 compatibility. All presets resaved with tagging imported from previous release and an additional 100 presets added from the latest Nemesis update. Also includes updated controller map that should be more intuitive and adds matrix controls.
Update: Tone2 RayBlaster VST3 Update
RayBlaster is now updated to VST3 and also has updates to the library to include an additional 40 presets that come with the latest 2.5 update and a bit of an update to the controller template.
Note that with most of the Tone2 VST3 updates there are now separate libraries for Mac and PC due to a bit of an "issue" with their plugins where the developer has, for some reason, set a different PluginID for PC and Mac making it impossible to migrate between PC and Mac (also meaning Maschine or other DAW projects created on PC/Mac cannot be opened by the other OS). This issue may have been overlooked in some initial library conversions so if you are a mac user that downloaded a Tone2 VST3 compatible update and it still did not work for you, contact me if you are unable to resolve this issue.
Update: WA Production Babylon VST3 Update
Babylon update to VST3. Seems the presets do "migrate" and will launch the VST3 version of the plugin but controls need updating so this now includes an updated template for VST3 but is the same library for VST2/3 versions
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