Guitar Rig Pro AAX Causing Pro Tools 12HD Native Crash

Iris Member Posts: 15 Member
edited October 2024 in Guitar Rig & FX

Hello, looking for a fix here...

Guitar Rig Pro 6.2.2 is crashing my native Pro Tools 12hd system at different times such as when dragging an effects module into the chain (access violation), trying to load a currently saved set-up from the top plugins menu (can't find currently running version of protools). This is independent of system load. Happens on a brand new session with only one track as well. Not experiencing any other issues with any of the other Native instruments Plugs.

Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!

Pro Tools 12.5HD Native

Windows 10 Pro fully updated.

HP workstation with i9 8 core processor.

64Gb Ram

Separate NVme system and sample drives, and SSD session drive.


  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,785 mod

    Hello @Iris First of all, make sure to run Pro Tools as administrator.

    Does Guitar Rig also crash in standalone ? If it does, please follow these steps: GUITAR RIG Crashes at Startup (Windows)

    If issue persists in ProTools, uninstall Guitar RIg as explained here:

    How to Uninstall Native Instruments Software and Drivers from a Windows Computer

    Double check that the Guitar Rig 6 AAX plug-in is deleted from that folder:

    C:\Program Files\Common Files\Avid\Audio\Plug-Ins

    Open Pro Tools, close it.

    Reinstall Guitar Rig 6 in Native Access.

  • Eddie_NI
    Eddie_NI Product Team Posts: 357 mod

    Hi @Iris

    I'm sorry to hear that you are experiencing problems with Guitar Rig 6. Does this only happen on your system when used inside Pro Tools or is the standalone version of Guitar Rig also showing this crash?

    But in any case, we do have a fix for a bug in the next update that sounds very similar to what you are experiencing and I hope that your problem will be fixed then. As a workaround for the time being you could add components to the rack by using the right-click menu and select from the "Add Component" sub-menu instead of dragging them from the component browser. This might help.



  • Iris
    Iris Member Posts: 15 Member

    Thanks so much guys! Will play around with some of this and see if that helps.

    As a side note, sometimes Guitar Rig works as long as I don't ask too many changes of it.

    For instance, I was able to import session data (track and Guitar Rig plugins) from another session into the session that I was currently having the issue with and it worked without crashing.

    It is still buggy and will intermittently crash my rig though.

    Would the reinstall still apply here? Don't believe that there is issue in the standalone..

    Thanks again for your help.

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