Library files for complete taking 10 Tb

Charles Wilkins
Charles Wilkins Member Posts: 6 Member
edited October 2024 in Other Software & Hardware

I own Komplete 13 Unlimited and had computer rebuild - new drives, motherboard, etc. I have a 1 Tb SSD and a 12 Tb hard drive. I instructed the tech guy to put the content libraries on the bug drive. Since then i upgraded to Windows 11 - and found the libraries are taking up 10 Tb of space! All of these files were on a 4 Tb drive before the rebuild so I'm assuming they are compressed. Can I compress the files or would that kill them? Everything is working just now.

Thanks for any help!

Best Answer

  • PoorFellow
    PoorFellow Moderator Posts: 6,014 mod
    edited May 2024 Answer ✓

    TreeSize Free, as suggested by Mykejb, is basic utility that no Windows user ought be without. And I concur with Mykejb , something is (very) wrong if that Komplete 13 U takes up 10TB.

    You might have to check the drive for filesystem errors , open a PowerShell (Admin) , then type chkdsk D: /f (substitute D for your drive letter) , then say yes to check at reboot and then reboot and see if that finds errors.

    However , with that kind of space error then something is (very) wrong somewhere.


  • mykejb
    mykejb Moderator Posts: 2,235 mod

    You can't compress them. Well, you can enable file compression under Windows, but it won't get to the root of the problem and it'll slow things down as they're uncompressed.

    The space taken by my libraries (Komplete 14 UCE plus a bunch of other NI stuff) is around 1.37Tb so there's something wrong somewhere. I'd suggest getting a copy of a decent disk size utility like Treesize Free and looking exactly where the space has gone.

  • Charles Wilkins
    Charles Wilkins Member Posts: 6 Member

    Thankyou for the assist! This has mystified me! I will try your suggestion. I've never used a utility like this. I'll let you know

  • mykejb
    mykejb Moderator Posts: 2,235 mod

    Yeah Treesize is great. I've had the paid full version which does a bit more for years, but for a quick check the free version is more than adequate.

  • PoorFellow
    PoorFellow Moderator Posts: 6,014 mod
    edited May 2024 Answer ✓

    TreeSize Free, as suggested by Mykejb, is basic utility that no Windows user ought be without. And I concur with Mykejb , something is (very) wrong if that Komplete 13 U takes up 10TB.

    You might have to check the drive for filesystem errors , open a PowerShell (Admin) , then type chkdsk D: /f (substitute D for your drive letter) , then say yes to check at reboot and then reboot and see if that finds errors.

    However , with that kind of space error then something is (very) wrong somewhere.

  • Charles Wilkins
    Charles Wilkins Member Posts: 6 Member

    to: mykejb: I stumbled onto the solution! I was experimenting with "View" on the explorer window for the file menu in question. Set it to view Hidden Files and a folder appeared "My Backups". There were several Backup files (totalling aprox. 8 Tb). I suspect my tech guy made the backups for my external drive and then copied them to this hidden folder. I certainly didn't do it! Anyway, I deleted all of them and the problem was solved!

    Thankyou for your suggestions - that sent on the right path.

  • Charles Wilkins
    Charles Wilkins Member Posts: 6 Member

    Thankyou Poorfellow! Problem solved - see earlier response

  • PoorFellow
    PoorFellow Moderator Posts: 6,014 mod

    Thank you for reporting back and for sharing what was your problem.

    If you used TreeSize Free didn't it then show/report the space taken by the hidden files ?

This discussion has been closed.
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