Cheap laptop suggestion for audio 8, S2mk1, x1mk1

Freefaller Member Posts: 6 Newcomer
edited October 2024 in Traktor Software & Hardware

Not sure if this is the right place to post. Hello everyone. I am wanting to start back up with my mixing I had a djm800 2xcdjs1000mk3 2x1210mk2 1xaudio 8 1xs2mk1 and a x1mk1 it’s been in storage for over 7 years only got my turntables and djm, s2, audio8, x1mk1 and my old MacBook I have had it up and running but the MacBook has had its day. So I am looking for the cheapest laptop available to be able to run my s2mk1 and also run traktor for turntables through my mixer. any suggestions would be great. Would get a Mac book but need something way cheaper many thanks 🙏


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