I want CLEAR user library beaming directly to folders/tags

strg+v Member Posts: 67 Member
edited October 2024 in Maschine

I want a CLEAR user library which beams me directly to my folders/tags...

For me the first filters (vendor/product) are completly irrelevant if i just want another KICK or another cymbal or whahtever...

My whole user-(drum) library uses 50% of MASCHINE native-library-content... i have copied these samples to my OWN USER-maschine-library-folder, but even then... i dont get all the not necassary anymore/ yeah the necking TAGS - i wanted to get by using samples-clones /seperate files )...

If i just want to replace a Kick, snare, hihat... wahtever... in a USER-library-kit... i dont want want to see this extra filters... like vendor/maschine 1.8 or 2.0. or 2.5.... and so on....

For example: I just want to change my snare... an i press the "QUICK/smart/"search" ...This "Serach" will bring into completly useless/Speed down/ roll stones in the way... before-filter, like VENDOR and BANK... Hey, Hallo, ANYWEHRE awaken here??? Its my own handdrafted dedicated USER_FOLDER, all this automatcilly industry-pre-filters are a speed-down, never a help!

If i want to sepereate 2000 snares i would set by MYSELF (handdrafted) tags/sub-folders... but without this... i just want to see ALL SNARES, not if Mashine 1.8. Maschine 2.0, 2.5... or by "vendor" xy....

Please NI: Dont SPEED me down by such (industry) prefix-filter i never asked for, i really hate!

The USER_Iibrary is my and only my USER_library, this is optimized for my fast speed-find...

I dont want any Industry-collective-make-all-people-equal... (We have s/m/X/XL - you have to FIT in one of this... )

All this GENERAL-Tag are irrelvevant in the (handrafted) USER-library... BUT all this GENERELL_tags NECKS/ i´m relly pissed off from NI for this "feature" in MY> OWN handcrafted/decidiert......... Folders/tag-system--- I dont want such xtra- clicks/roll-outs/hamburger.... I want the complet SNARE_"Folder/TAG...) and if just want RIMS/Metallic Snares/Rolls... I have handrafted sub-folders.. for this... i dont need an¥ VENDOR/Maschine History... PRE-filter....in the opposite: they are maximal annoying!

NOPE... thats NOT what lot (40% ) of users want... we are INDIVIDULATS... not communist ONE_SIZE_FITS_ALL socialist mass-people (middle-grey ist the best of all colors... its implement all other colors...)

I guess the NI filter-system is just the opposite... i freedome man like...

I want JUST to see ALL stuff in my USER>LIB... than the first-filter ALL MY DRUMS, the second filter is ALL MY kicjs/nares, claps, Hats.... THis two FILTERS should be active by "quick-search"--- thats makes sens... maybe alll sub-categories makes sense ".. like accustic/rock/dance/digital... but even the 3 third filter schould be optinal... and the 4,5,6 filter like MANAFUCTURE; Wihich SW version, which other Tag a samples has... should be as LATS; LAST and OVERLAST to optinal-Filter, if you really want/need... for searching a special ONESHOT/Drumsample... ... but now, they are on place 1-3... in FILTER_Hierachie


  • D-One
    D-One Moderator Posts: 3,652 mod
    edited April 2024

    For me the first filters (vendor/product) are completly irrelevant if i just want another KICK or another cymbal or whatever...

    But you don't need to use the vendor sorting, you can directly go to the next knob and select for example a DRUMS tag or all content.

    If you loaded a Kick by selecting the USER Browser DRUMS>KICK tags then activating the Quick Browse will auto-select those Tags for you again, so you can quickly replace a Kick without having to navigate or re-select tags manually.... Seems like what you're asking for.

    Are you starting with expansion kits or something? If so, Quick Browse will select whatever tags the Expansion creator used.

  • strg+v
    strg+v Member Posts: 67 Member
    edited April 2024

    "But you don't need to use the vendor sorting, you can directly go to the next knob and select for example a DRUMS tag or all content."

    thanks D-one, but NOPE! thats exactly the issue i tried to describe:

    MASCHINE itself sets this extra "FILTERS" by quick-search... i allways have to deactivated this nasty FILTER-settings wich MASCHINE itself sets automatically... by each "quick"load!

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