Valhalla DSP NKS

Sunborn NKS User Library Mod Posts: 3,311 mod
edited November 2024 in NKS User Library

This discussion was created from comments split from: NKS User Library.



  • Solncev_
    Solncev_ Member Posts: 41 Helper
    edited January 2022

    a few more libraries that I made for myself.

    Pictures, knobs bind, presets.

  • Kymeia
    Kymeia NKS User Library Mod Posts: 5,220 mod
    edited November 2022

    I found these seem to have lost sync with the params in the latest versions - not sure if this is a consequence of VST3 migration, or something else.

    Anyway if anyone finds the originals above are not working in the new KK and Maschine, particularly using the VST3s, I have posted fixes here (basically just remade all the templates - the images can be used from the above Dropbox - however I also fixed the database files):

    This is ONLY for use with the VST3 versions

  • Kymeia
    Kymeia NKS User Library Mod Posts: 5,220 mod

    Another update for the Valhalla NKS versions for VST3, just cleaned up a few params (VST3 only)

  • Kymeia
    Kymeia NKS User Library Mod Posts: 5,220 mod
    edited January 2023

    Here we go, the newly released Valhalla VintageVerb version 3, including the extra presets for the new algos and designer presets (and improved graphics and tagging - now also sorted into sub banks)

  • Sunborn
    Sunborn NKS User Library Mod Posts: 3,311 mod
    edited January 2023

    ValhallaUberMod VST3 NKS

    Here it is, i remade everything from scratch with the VST3 version, using a new template (it is the one named as ValhallaUberMod Default). All presets are working and Maschine knobs are fully responding now (maybe was something wrong with your template Kymeia?). Please test it also on Mac and KK to see how it works.

    One bug is still remains: When you load any NKS preset, the plugin shows its name correctly, but when you load another one (any number of presets) the name on the plugin remains the same. However, all values, knob assignments etc. are correct and responding to the new preset. Only the name remains unchanged. You need to close the plugin and load another NKS preset, then the plugin gets the new name correctly, but, as before, if you load another one, the older name remains, etc. etc. Not a big deal, however still a bug.

  • Kymeia
    Kymeia NKS User Library Mod Posts: 5,220 mod
    edited April 2024

    Valhalla DSP NKS Komplete

    This is an update for all the NKS patches and templates for all Valhalla DSP FX, all sorted and fully tagged - it supersedes the earlier versions posted. I have updated all plugins to include NKS patches for the latest versions as Valhalla have added additional algos to many of the plugins since they were last made NKS - notably Supermassive, VintageVerb and Delay have lots of additional features and presets including new designer presets so I saved and retagged them all and also saved all presets for SpaceModulator, and added new graphics that I felt fitted the look and feel of these plugins better (as well as including some alternative graphics sent to me by Diam). Some of the earlier plugins like ubermod, Shimmer and Room already had presets saved by other contributors to the user lib (mainly Cooner) but I still updated them to VST3 except for uberMod which Sunborn kindly provided as I couldn't do that on my Mac due to an annoying bug.

    Note these were all updated using a VST3 template and should only be used with the VST3 because Valhalla VST2 and VST3 versions are not 100% compatible (presets load but params don't translate properly). However the earlier ones I mentioned were saved originally using the VST2 and therefore for Windows/Intel users I recommend also not having the VST2 on your system before trying these or KK/Mas will try and load them in that rather than the VST3 and they won't work. This isn't a problem in Native mode on M1 Macs as VST2 isn't supported anyway. Also I changed the Company Name to 'Valhalla DSP' rather than 'Valhalla DSP.lcc' which doesn't work well in KK/Mas due to problems with special characters

    Thanks everyone who helped with this bundle including Sunborn, Diam, Cooner and Christos Adamos (who I think was the person who contributed the first batch of Valhalla Delay VST2 patches).

  • Kymeia
    Kymeia NKS User Library Mod Posts: 5,220 mod

    Also I have updated the Valhalla Room template to version 2 which adds a lo cut filter and space param in early reflections

    Available in the NKS User Library/ Current/Valhalla DSP folder

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