After recent Effects update, loading them freeze FL Studio (FXF-2537)



  • Kymeia
    Kymeia NKS User Library Mod Posts: 5,345 mod
    edited January 11

    Don't think it's been reported before as an issue on Mac, in fact I did ask back in July if there were any Mac users affected but no one said anything. Certainly for me they have always worked fine

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,785 mod

    This hasn't been reported on Mac so far. Can you give us more info on your setup and what's happening exactly?

    Is it an Intel Mac, a Silicon Mac? Vst2 is not supported on Silicon Macs, if you wish to use VST2 on your projects you need to run your DAW in Rosetta mode: How to Open Your DAW Using Rosetta

  • jaguarguitar
    jaguarguitar Member Posts: 21 Member

    can anyone confirm the fix for this in windows?

    i thought it was fl studio 24, so i downgraded to 21, 20 and the issue still occurs.

    this is a major PITA.

  • jaguarguitar
    jaguarguitar Member Posts: 21 Member

    im going to bump this until NI takes action on this.

    it appears the fix is to downgrade but then this will 'break' native access going by the comments.

    and how many plugins am i going to downgrade exactly?

  • jaguarguitar
    jaguarguitar Member Posts: 21 Member

    Solid EQ is missing from the google links.

    There are two solid bus comp links.

  • jaguarguitar
    jaguarguitar Member Posts: 21 Member

    i made this powershell script to speed up the process if anyone wants it.

    after you download the the exes from the google links, put them in your downloads (or any other) folder.

    1. save this .ps1 powershell script. you can run it via 'powershell ise' application in windows.
    2. update the "masterFolder" variable below (2nd line in the code) to the folder you download the .exes to.
    3. the code will:
    • unzip all the exe folders
    • move the zipped folders to a 'done' folder
    • launch each exe
    • wait for you to finish your input/manual install
    • go onto the next exe
    • it will NOT do the .iso. i could have included that but dont have the time:


        # Define folder paths
    $masterFolder = "C:\Users\Administrator\Downloads\NI Downgrade"
    $zippedFolder = "$masterFolder\zipped"
    $doneFolder = "$masterFolder\done"
    # Ensure 'zipped' and 'done' folders exist
    if (!(Test-Path $zippedFolder)) { New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path $zippedFolder }
    if (!(Test-Path $doneFolder)) { New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path $doneFolder }
    # Step 1: Unzip all files
    $zipFiles = Get-ChildItem -Path $masterFolder -Filter "*.zip"
    foreach ($zipFile in $zipFiles) {
        $destinationFolder = Join-Path -Path $masterFolder -ChildPath $zipFile.BaseName
        Expand-Archive -Path $zipFile.FullName -DestinationPath $destinationFolder -Force
        Move-Item -Path $zipFile.FullName -Destination $zippedFolder -Force
        Write-Host "Unzipped $($zipFile.Name) and moved to 'zipped' folder."
    # Step 2: Run each extracted folder's .exe one at a time
    $folders = Get-ChildItem -Path $masterFolder -Directory
    foreach ($folder in $folders) {
        # Find the .exe file inside the folder
        $exeFile = Get-ChildItem -Path $folder.FullName -Filter "*.exe" | Select-Object -First 1
        if ($exeFile) {
            Write-Host "Launching: $($exeFile.Name) in folder: $($folder.Name)"
            Start-Process -FilePath $exeFile.FullName -NoNewWindow -Wait
            Read-Host "Press Enter once you have completed interaction with $($exeFile.Name)"
            # Move folder to 'done' after execution
            Move-Item -Path $folder.FullName -Destination $doneFolder -Force
            Write-Host "Moved $($folder.Name) to 'done' folder."
        } else {
            Write-Host "No executable found in $($folder.Name). Skipping."
    Write-Host "All processes completed."
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