Please tell me there is a way to disable midi recording per sound/group?



  • ozon
    ozon Member Posts: 1,955 Expert
    edited April 2024

    I don’t get a jumping between Groups (except on display), and can record both external MIDI sources in separate Groups fine, if I prepare empty long Patterns (e.g. 64 bars) before recording. Then Maschine behaves kind of as expected for that scenario, which is not that of OP, but close. Maybe close enough for the purpose.

    I have an idea why recording behaves as it does, but have to verify. I guess you can start recording a beat and switch seamlessly between Groups while recording, and the first switch determines the length of the Patterns.

    It did not behave as expected. You can start recording in Group A into an auto growing Pattern, and then switch to Group B to record the bass after 8 bars for example. Switching the Group will settle the length for Pattern in Group A to 8 bars. But the Pattern in Group B will still auto grow, so the bass you record in Group B will start after bar 8. So when you stop recording, the Pattern will start with 8 bars of silence and then include your played notes.

    @D-One this is highly unusable as well, which means this workflow doesn’t even work when using just the pads on Maschine to record into the focused Group. It’s unusable, broken, buggy, whatever you fancy. Just not expected behavior.

  • Psyearth5
    Psyearth5 Member Posts: 352 Member

    Is it possible to route to MIDI channel 1 . I connected MIDI 5pin Cable from out to in on Maschine Plus and I can trigger Lock States and record them on linear Time Line in Pattern or Arrange mode. I can play Lock States like any keyboard and I find it very useful.

  • LostInFoundation
    LostInFoundation Member Posts: 5,105 Expert

    Yes I saw your explanation in the other thread 👍🏼

    What I’m talking about here is how Maschine is structured, not workarounds.

    In any case your solution is not solving the focusing thing of Maschine

  • D-One
    D-One Moderator Posts: 3,652 mod
    edited April 2024

    We gotta focus on OP's use case here or this thread gets messy.


    I don’t get a jumping between Groups (except on display), and can record both external MIDI sources in separate Groups fine

    I'm confused.. How?

    When I enable Rec any Group that receives MIDI is auto-focused. I can't focus on Group-1 to record a Kick because Group-2 gets focused each time it receives a note, OP's use case is to constantly receive MIDI in Group-2 so I am not even at a point where I can focus on the Pattern length issue yet.

    Independent controller focus would be great, it was one of the top feature requests but now JAM is EOL I am not sure this is still a valid persuit.

    TBH I am also not sure I want to worry about whats armed to be recorded, especially since it would prob require menu diving - On a DAW and a big computer screen you can see tons of tracks at the same time so it's easy to tell whats armed, on Maschine's tiny screens (+ Group VS Sound lvl focus) not so much... So, recording the "normal" way would be much slower and require extra steps for the benefit of a tiny userbase %.

    This thing was designed to be a production box, not a hw sound module for external sequencers, the main issue IMO was turning/porting the SW into a standalone where such desires are normal, it's just one of the many, many issues of doing so along with no midi mapping, no decent file-management, etc...

  • ozon
    ozon Member Posts: 1,955 Expert
    edited April 2024

    @D-One wrote

    I'm confused.. How? 

    As I explained above, two external MIDI sources:

    • Seaboard into USB-A to Group A
    • BLEASS/iPad into USB-B to Group B

    When I enable Rec any Group that receives MIDI is auto-focused. I can't focus on Group-1 to record a Kick because Group-2 gets focused each time it receives a note, OP's use case is to constantly receive MIDI in Group-2 so I am not even at a point where I can focus on the Pattern length issue yet.

    Hm. Interesting. I get a flickering display during recording, which I didn’t mind as I play the notes on the Seaboard. Did you set the global MIDI settings Default Input to NONE and set up dedicated MIDI inputs for Group A Sound 1 and Group B Sound 1?

    BTW, I did a bug report on centercode for this issue.

  • Psyearth5
    Psyearth5 Member Posts: 352 Member

    I assume you tried everything by now. I will try for my self because I am able to trigger different pads in different groups with Nektar P1 but I didn't countinue to program further because i decovered my Favorite Feature which is to my surprise unknown to almost everyone ... but I am honestly wondering why there is a choice to choose different MIDI channel from 1 to 16 if it's not possible to use it effectively ? ....hmmm Ableton Link.

    This can be agreement for Feature Request votes because we can agree that it should be possible without sacrificing for the M+ performance and if you didn't open this topic I would make mistake and bought another HW instrument.

  • Psyearth5
    Psyearth5 Member Posts: 352 Member

    Two different controllers will make a conflict unless first they're programed to avoid each other or Controllers are improved. If there is a Midi Channel to choose for both i out and output if there's a way to trigger different pads in different groups without using Focus at all then all I can say is that it's stupid to put all this options if it's not possible to actually use them 😂 it's always something with Maschine's that I went from despair to let's do what I can and so far I am more than happy being able to pay bills and food. But I agree with you 100 % but I have to admit that what I was sharing as a great Feature was and still is something impossible so in that regard I wish that it's possible to control and record on different MIDI channel somehow even if it's impossible.

  • D-One
    D-One Moderator Posts: 3,652 mod
    edited April 2024

    Yes, I set it up like that, each group/sound has an exclusive MIDI Port (Source), and each Group that receives notes is auto-focused and recorded, the point is not not record one of them.

    If your screen is flickering between the 2 groups then the focus is changing and recording both things, no? Maybe reach me on Discord to get to the bottom of this without making this thread massively confusing.

  • FlouncingFleasbag
    FlouncingFleasbag Member Posts: 12 Member


    I was linked to your post via member @ozon after I posted a similar question/statement.

    My use case is similar enough to yours that I thought maybe we might be able to swap workaround ideas. We both want to sequence the M+ externally but also be able to record sequences. Have you worked out anything since you posted this?

    I've ended up going into the MIDI settings and disabling MIDI RECEIVE before I record an internal pattern and then turning it back on again. Not ideal by any means but it works in a sense.

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