Maschine, No loop note change ? mysteria and other lib

DanielJM Member Posts: 30 Member
edited October 22 in Maschine

Why can't you change the note of the loop that is played in this and some other native instruments libraries? it would be really helpful if you could do this so you could add those dope loops to already made productions, but because you can't change the note you most times have to build the beat based on the note of the loop which isn't always the best way.


Best Answer

  • ozon
    ozon Member Posts: 1,827 Expert
    edited March 30 Answer ✓

    You can change the pitch of the Atmoshphere Layer Sources within Mysteria.

    (but I agree, it would be nice if Atmosphere Sources would also react to keyboard pitch - although many would probably sound awful if transposed more than a couple of notes)


  • ozon
    ozon Member Posts: 1,827 Expert
    edited March 30 Answer ✓

    You can change the pitch of the Atmoshphere Layer Sources within Mysteria.

    (but I agree, it would be nice if Atmosphere Sources would also react to keyboard pitch - although many would probably sound awful if transposed more than a couple of notes)

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