Why windows doesn't recognize Traktor Pro 3 as sound program?

Andoni Robredo
Andoni Robredo Member Posts: 2 Newcomer
edited October 2024 in Mapping Traktor

Good night, from Spain. I contact you because recently I purchased a Traktor Control S2 MK3, and I have some problems with the configuration. Well, I downloaded and installed all the products native instruments offered, and I downloaded S2 MK3 asio audio device from Native official page. I run Traktor Pro 3, and all components in traktor works very well. But I don't know why Windows doesn't recognize Traktor Pro 3 as sound program, so the program I use to stream, doesn't recognize any sound. I have tried anything to make it works (see faqs, consulting internet advices of problems and solutions, entering native instruments comunity), but I haven't won anything. A few days ago I saw an advertition and an error in the process of instaling drivers of the controller. I have attached two fotos of them. I would be pleased if you help me to find a solution. A cordial greeting.


  • PK The DJ
    PK The DJ Member Posts: 2,227 Expert

    First of all you don't need an ASIO driver. The S2 MK3 doesn't need it (please ensure you read manuals and support pages to learn about your products).

    If the program you "use to stream" is OBS (having to guess here) then it can't see ASIO without using a plugin, so you're better off with the ASIO driver there too.

  • Uwe303
    Uwe303 Moderator Posts: 4,205 mod
    edited March 2024

    Wrong - asio is better on windows it has shorter buffer size I would always recommend it. So if you want to stream something via OBS with the S2 MK3 I would use a second interface, you just need a simple one with a stereo line in. You can also use voice meter banana/potato, I'm not at my PC right now but could make you a short tutorial, but with this method delay time goes up a bit So like I said best is to use a second interface or buy one with loopback and asio multi client possibility like my focusrite and use this for all audio functions.


  • PK The DJ
    PK The DJ Member Posts: 2,227 Expert

    Direct quote from Native Instruments own support page:

    "Unlike former TRAKTOR controllers, the S2 MK3 / S4 MK3 / S3 uses Windows' own 'WASAPI (Exclusive)' driver."

    It's not about "better" - it's about not being necessary. Straight from the horses mouth.

    Not using ASIO also solves the OBS problem. No need for bananas or potatoes.

  • Uwe303
    Uwe303 Moderator Posts: 4,205 mod

    But with wasapi exclusive it will also not work, only with shared mode, of course it can and will work with those drivers but then you'll have a huge latency.

  • Andoni Robredo
    Andoni Robredo Member Posts: 2 Newcomer

    Thanks for your coments. In traktor pro 3, with the controler, it works with S2 MK3 asio driver. I repeat: It works. My problem is not with traktor pro 3, I think it is with Windows, because if a put a song in one deck, and I press play, I hear it with the headphones, but windows doesn't recognizes the sound, and neither OBS. Why if I open youtube, and I play a song I hear it on headphones conected to the controller and why if traktor pro 3 plays a song windows doesn't recognize the sound? What can you tell me about the advertition and the error I have share?

  • Uwe303
    Uwe303 Moderator Posts: 4,205 mod

    That was clear but you can't grab an asio audio stream that easy, that's why you maybe need a second audio interface- you could try to install an asio expansion for OBS


    maybe it works, if the asio driver supports it, or read my post above for other possibilities. I don't own that controller myself so I can't try it and every interface/driver behaves a bit different. Additionally there are also lots of YT videos cause the issue is not that trivial.

  • Uwe303
    Uwe303 Moderator Posts: 4,205 mod

    this might also work like already said but then you loose the short buffer size.

    Maybe you have to set this off first


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