Can someone enlighten me about Kontakt 7?

Adi Draghici
Adi Draghici Member Posts: 7 Newcomer

Hello, I have purchased and installed the Kontakt 7 Bundle. However, I noticed that I am missing the samples.For example, where can I find Action Strings 2 or Ashlight? (or are they all included in the bundle). I don't have any images or a separate library. Additionally, it has been confirmed that I have made the purchase, but it still suggests that I should buy Kontakt 7, even though I have already done so. I only have Kontakt Factory 2 with 39GB. Is something missing? I'm a bit confused about this.

ps: Does anyone know why there is no image appearing?


Best Answer

  • william olson
    william olson Member Posts: 40 Member
    Answer ✓

    when you say Kontakt7 bundle are you meaning kontakt7 full $299.


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