Kontakt gui flickering and making cubase freeze

gamaliwa Member Posts: 43 Member
edited October 2024 in Kontakt

Hello, I noticed this happens especially when 2 kontakt 7 windows are open at the same time. I have a GUI flicker or a GUI freeze that make cubase unresponsive until I kill the task

I am on windows 11, I have a nvidia GT 730. I tried to disable vertical sync.

I video taped the bug https://streamable.com/dbvs5t

Best Answer


  • PoorFellow
    PoorFellow Moderator Posts: 6,008 mod
    edited February 2024 Answer ✓

    Quote : "I have a nvidia GT 730"

    Kontakt 7 , SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS : Graphics hardware support for Direct 3D 11.1 (Feature Level 11_0) or higher

    NVidia GT 730 : ?

    I have a rather hard time to getting a good grasp on this. And as you can see N.I: says Direct 3D 11.1 and then gives feature level as 11_0 . Not getting any better by Nvidia having a not very good specifications page and some external articles appear as having small errors..

    Apparently , at a glance , it could appear as if your GT 730 (Kepler based) GF 700 series is fulfilling specifications.

    However I am left with the impression that your problem could be that the graphics card is maybe not quite up to the task , though I am not sure. Card says to be Direct3D 11 where requirement is Direct 3D 11.1 (Feature Level 11_0). The article on Wikipedia on "Feature levels in Direct3D" not making my confusion less. At least try updating the graphics drivers to see if it makes any difference , probably does not but still worth a try.

    Also how much RAM do you have ?

  • gamaliwa
    gamaliwa Member Posts: 43 Member

    I have 192 gb ram ddr5

    My old system was also using ge force gt 730 (not the same model) and I didn't had this issue, so I felt like I could just cheap out of the gpu since I don't do gaming or video tasks

    here is my current card https://www.ldlc.com/fiche/PB00210037.html?offerId=AR201605230021

    Should I globally disable vertical sync (even for windows) ?

    Maybe I should swap the card and install the old one to test.

    My pilote is 472.12 I believe it's the last (but it's a bit dated) and direct3D 11_0 yes ... didn't know this could be an issue

  • PoorFellow
    PoorFellow Moderator Posts: 6,008 mod

    As I wrote initially then you ought to try updating the driver ! The one you use is three years old ! (Driver Version: 472.12 - Release Date: Mon Sep 20, 2021) , there are actually 9 (nine) drivers newer than that listed , the newest being Driver Version: 474.82 - Release Date: Thu Feb 22, 2024

    Else , if you did not have the same problem with the other graphics card then the obvious thing to do would be to try swapping to the graphics card that you prior did not have any problem with ! But then again , maybe you just another driver for that ? I don't know !

    But appears as if the GT 730 actually came in more versions (link also included in links above) even including the use of two different graphics chips , so it is entirely possible that even while they both say GT 730 then they could work differently !

  • gamaliwa
    gamaliwa Member Posts: 43 Member
    edited February 2024

    Thanks for pointing that out !!

    I am really dumb when it comes to the drivers. I tried since yesterday to hammer the button download on the geforce app, but it just download the driver and then reset to "download" again, like it's a bug or something

    I'll try to just go look for it manually on the internet then

    PS : if you had to give an advice on a relatively cheap GPU that is modern enough for daws and Kontakt, what would it be ?

    thanks again

  • PoorFellow
    PoorFellow Moderator Posts: 6,008 mod

    Quote : "If you had to give an advice on a relatively cheap GPU that is modern enough for daws and Kontakt, what would it be ?"

    My recommendations are NVidia based. Since this is an almost religious question to people and to each his own then I will not discuss that or my recommendations. If you'd rather buy what someone else may suggest then please by all means !

    Thing is this , what is relatively low price where I live may not be same price at your place. Also at this point in time then seen in a broader perspective then even cheap graphics cards are rather expensive. And also one ought never buy the cheapest of %#"! So here goes ! :


    ASUS GeForce GTX 1650 OC - 4GB GDDR6

    ASUS GeForce RTX 3050 DUAL OC 6GB GDDR6


    GIGABYTE GeForce RTX 3050 WindForce V2 OC 8GB GDDR6

    GIGABYTE GeForce RTX 4060 WindForce 2 OC 8GB GDDR6

    Where I live then the GTX 1650 models mentioned are slightly less than €200 , the "ASUS GeForce RTX 3050 DUAL OC - 6GB GDDR6" is only about %20 more expensive why I would recommend that over the GTX 1650 models. The most expensive on the list , but also relatively powerful , the GIGABYTE GeForce RTX 4060 WindForce 2 OC 8GB GDDR6 , (€ 343) is about %91 more expensive than the cheapest GTX 1650 (€ 179)

    The MSI GeForce GTX 1650 VENTUS XS OC - 4GB GDDR6 RAM (€ 179) ought to be plenty good for any DAW , but the + %20 ASUS GeForce RTX 3050 DUAL OC - 6GB GDDR6 (€ 215) is the best buy among the cheapest.

    The GIGABYTE GeForce RTX 4060 WindForce 2 OC 8GB GDDR6 (€ 343) is actually rather fair for playing games other than too little RAM but while one could get a GIGABYTE GeForce RTX 3060 WindForce OC 12GB at around (€321) then the RTX 4060 is most likely the better of the most expensive on the list !

    Over all, where I live, I would go with the ASUS GeForce RTX 3050 DUAL OC 6GB GDDR6 , it will not run that many games (like don't expect it to run FPS) , but it's OK for non-demanding games and for e.g. some not demanding video editing !

    The cheapest MSI GeForce GTX 1650 VENTUS XS OC 4GB GDDR6 RAM is a nice card but the Turing (microarchitecture) is about 6 years old by now !

    Again , prices where you live may be a lot different !

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