Sample Map Builder is still available (if you run it in Java)

P-box Member Posts: 60 Member
edited February 15 in Building With Reaktor

Hi All,

After a little digging, I found a functioning version of Sample Map Builder.

It is based on the code of the now missing ReliveTheFuture website.

It runs in the Java app, which can be downloaded in a Mac or Win version.

Sample Map Builder:

Brett Kallmer's Youtube tutorial on using SampleMapBuilder:

I hope this is helpful.



  • uksnowy
    uksnowy Member Posts: 28 Member

    This is fantastic I was just looking at that a few weeks ago but I could not see how to get it to work. I am not a coder and do not understand GutHub. It is a minefield for me. I would not know where to start. Any chance you could provide some instructions on how to get it to run. That is, which file to chose and how to run it in the JAVA app.

    Thank in advance.

  • P-box
    P-box Member Posts: 60 Member

    hi @uksnowy ,


    I believe I actually posted the wrong link. Too many searches.... sorry.

    Here's the correct link:

    It's a bit confusing because the Softpedia site wants to keep directing you to click on ads, but once you get the right places to click you'll navigate to 2 different screens and then you will end up downloading a file called "MapFileBuilder.jar" This is the file that opens the small interface (GUI) that is shown in Brett Kallmers video.

    You do not need to unpack this .jar file, even if it has a graphic that says "Zip". All you need to do, once Java is installed on your computer, is double click on the file to launch it.

    I am running this on a Mac, and had to download the Java app (for Mac) from the website.

    if you are using Windows, some new Windows versions have Java already installed. Try doubleclicking on the MapFileBuilder.jar file. If it opens, then you're all set. If it doesn't, then you'll need to install the Java app for Windows from the website. Instructions are here:

    Give this a try.

    I have been using it for a few weeks, and it works like a charm!

    The Github link I initially posted does have a valid file also, but like you, I do not have the experience to know how to run it... It appears to be able to do numerous additional functions.

    If I figure it out, or anyone else is kind enough to report back here, I'll let you know.

    All the best,


  • P-box
    P-box Member Posts: 60 Member

    Also of interest is this Github version of a Reaktor Sample Map Builder by Robert Provine:

    This one is also currently also over my head as far as loading it and getting it to run as it appears to be all command line.

    But, it can load 128 samples for each key (0-127) differentiating them by velocity steps. This gives the potential to create a massive sample pool to choose from -allowing a maximum total of 16,256 sounds. If your input source is specific with regard to midi note and midi velocity, that's alot of potential.

    Again, anyone kind enough to report back here how to use this (from the perspective of a non-command line familiar user) would be opening up some doors for Reaktor Builders!

  • uksnowy
    uksnowy Member Posts: 28 Member

    Hi Paul.

    you are a true gentleman, thank you. I will try this over the weekend.


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