Connect S2 MK3 with Vinyl Turntables

sakery00 Member Posts: 1 Newcomer
edited October 2024 in Traktor Software & Hardware

Hey guys,

After three years of using my S2 MK3, I want to expand to using my turntable I have as well. Is there any way to do this? If not with just the S2 MK3 is there any other hardware that I could buy to connect them all?


Best Answer

  • Karlos Santos
    Karlos Santos Member Posts: 136 Pro
    Answer ✓

    Welcome to the forum.

    As the S2MK3 does not have phono inputs it cannot be used alone with a turntable.

    You can purchase the NI Audio 6 sound card and use it with the S2.

    You will connect your headphones to the Audio 6 and assign the inputs in Traktor to the Audio 6 and use the S2 as the controller only.

    Here's a post on the old forum that explains what to do. Let us know if you get any further with it as it can be a little complicated at first.



  • Karlos Santos
    Karlos Santos Member Posts: 136 Pro
    Answer ✓

    Welcome to the forum.

    As the S2MK3 does not have phono inputs it cannot be used alone with a turntable.

    You can purchase the NI Audio 6 sound card and use it with the S2.

    You will connect your headphones to the Audio 6 and assign the inputs in Traktor to the Audio 6 and use the S2 as the controller only.

    Here's a post on the old forum that explains what to do. Let us know if you get any further with it as it can be a little complicated at first.


  • urknall
    urknall Member Posts: 2 Member
    edited April 2022

    In my opinion that is way too complicated, i would just buy one or two riaa preamps (about 20 euros each one) and connect the turntable output to the preamp and the preamp output to the s2 input(s).

    If you have already an NI Audio 6/8/10 you should be able just to connect the turntable(s) to it and set to Phono and Thru/Direct Thru mode and connect the output(s) to the s2.

    But if you are doing it this way, you can only play analog vinyl and not use timecode vinyl, since the s2 is not scratch certified. If scratch is needed, you have to set the audio x interface as your traktor soundcard and use s2 as controller only.

  • lord-carlos
    lord-carlos Member Posts: 3,877 Expert

    The s2 only has a single mic input. You sure that is the best way to connect turn tables? 🤔

    Does traktor still require scratch certification? What happens if you don't use a certified interface?

  • urknall
    urknall Member Posts: 2 Member
    edited April 2022

    uuups you're right! i mixed the specifications with another product.... so an audio x is the way to go. sorry for the trouble!

    since traktor 3 there is also a "scratch for all" function, i guess i am living a bit in the past :)

  • Semiotic1
    Semiotic1 Member Posts: 1 Member

    Hello Karlos - in your message you indicate that "Here's a post on the old forum that explains what to do. Let us know if you get any further with it as it can be a little complicated at first." but there's not a post link.

    Can you message me the link or post/repost here?


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