Audio interface to control Traktor 's 4 decks with a 4channel external mixer

justeleblanc Member Posts: 9 Member
edited October 2024 in Traktor Software & Hardware


I am looking for an audio card with which I can control the 4 decks of Traktor(I use a macbook pro) with external 4 channel mixer .Previously there was audio 10 but the KOMPLETE AUDIO 6 that comes out now ,I do not understand if it will serve me for this purpose. At the moment the audio card I have is the focusritte clarett 2 pre usb and I don't think that the audio 6 will be equal .The thoughts are :

a)keep clarett and buy another one just for djing

b)sell clarett and buy another one for all jobs ,of similar level to clarett or even higher

In any case ,what would U suggest ?



  • Uwe303
    Uwe303 Moderator Posts: 4,322 mod


    that's a hard decision, i would hold the claret ,it's a good interface and to sell it, will not get you the money it is worth. I would buy a behringer UMC 1820, this is more than enough for DJing and really not as bad as many think. Another interface with at least 4 discrete stereo outs would cost more. Like a focusrite oktopre it has also real 8 mono/4stereo outputs + 8 adat outs and 8 inputs.


  • Patch
    Patch Member Posts: 329 Pro

    Dare I recommend a used Zomo MC-1000?

    4 channel usb sound card, with built in 4 channel controller.

  • justeleblanc
    justeleblanc Member Posts: 9 Member
    edited April 2022

    thank u for your answers

    I already have the traktor s4 and its more than ok

    I just want to have the opportunity to just use the external mixer with the 2 traktor x1 and the macbook

    do u think native instrument audio 6 will do the job?what about the audio quality?other options?

  • Uwe303
    Uwe303 Moderator Posts: 4,322 mod

    no the native audio 6 has not enough outputs for 4 decks stereo


  • justeleblanc
    justeleblanc Member Posts: 9 Member
    edited April 2022

    are u sure?

    cause I checked this video and at 8:43 he suggests the audio 6

  • Uwe303
    Uwe303 Moderator Posts: 4,322 mod
    edited April 2022

    Yes I'm absolutely sure he mentiones it just as an example for a budget solution, but like i said it has 4 mono/2 stereo analog outputs. the specs say 4 analog in and outputs, means 4 mono ins and outs or 2 stereo.


  • Patch
    Patch Member Posts: 329 Pro

    You could use the Zomo JUST as your audio interface between the laptop and the mixer…

    But honestly - I have the MC-1000 and 2 X1’s, and for a 4-channel setup I’d take the MC-1000 + 4channel mixer everyday of the week. 👍🏻

    But, you’d get a used MC-1000 for less than any audio interface you’d buy anyway, so, you could create a pretty tasty modular set-up with an MC-1000 above your mixer for navigation, play/pause, etc, and then an X1 either side for cue points, FX, looping…

    Thinking about it, that would be a sweet setup. If I didn’t absolutely need vinyl control, it’s one I’d definitely be experimenting with right now since we’re talking about it… 😉

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