How do you use Third Party Expansions on the +?

Dstep ATL
Dstep ATL Member Posts: 95 Helper
edited October 2024 in Maschine

I’ve tried installing a third party expansion, from Maschine Masters, to see if it would work. It does not, or at least the way I tried. The Expansion is structured the way an NI expansion is, and is located in my user content folder. When I go to load sounds, it finds the Maschine sounds but can’t locate the samples.

Do I just need to dump the samples directly into the same folder as the mxsd files?


  • djneural
    djneural Member Posts: 38 Helper

    NI should make a tool or at least a tutorial for us to make our own expansions and import them into the M+

    This tool exists MPC side and what happens right now is that it's easier to switch from M+ to MPC than the opposite 😣

  • Dstep ATL
    Dstep ATL Member Posts: 95 Helper

    I’d at least like some documentation. The expansion works in Maschine 2.0, but not on the +. Maybe if they see my post they will respond.

  • djneural
    djneural Member Posts: 38 Helper

    Right now I believe it is locked (maybe with some DRM) to only detect expansions downloaded through the M+ built-in downloader.

  • Dstep ATL
    Dstep ATL Member Posts: 95 Helper

    I should be able to use user created sounds though shouldn’t I? Wouldn’t make sense not to allow that.

  • djneural
    djneural Member Posts: 38 Helper

    Tell me about it... well for now it's kinda of a "walled garden" except if you actually sample with the M+ each time or if you are ok with the limits of sdcard/USB key user samples browsing limited to 2 levels of directory and without search.

    It should be the next priority for NI, even if it means possibly less expansions sales. It's tempting for them to not prioritize this. But for me it's almost a show-stopper, even if I love the official expansions and still buy them.

  • tetsuneko
    tetsuneko Member Posts: 811 Expert
    edited April 2022

    I've got a 3rd party DNB samplepack imported just fine. Let me take a look at where I moved the samples to on my SD card..

    It's "Native Instruments/User Content/Samples"

    It's highly recommended to tag your samples in Maschine desktop before importing them into M+. Maschine writes the tags inside the actual sample files, in the files' header as metadata, so once you tag em they will always remain tagged. Only way to have a big custom sample library in M+ without going insane IMHO

    I know using tags instead of subfolders seems strange to people used to the old ways, but tags actually make a lot of sense for large content libraries (which is why NI uses tagging with their expansions no doubt).

  • Dstep ATL
    Dstep ATL Member Posts: 95 Helper
    edited April 2022

    These are multisampled Maschine sound files. So I just create a folder for the groups and MXSD files and then dump all the corresponding samples is a samples folder?

    edit: the above did not work. Literally nothing has worked. It shouldn’t be this hard.

  • tetsuneko
    tetsuneko Member Posts: 811 Expert
    edited April 2022

    Ahh they are in the native Maschine sound format. Sorry, I haven't tried importing those.

    I'm sure somebody has done such a thing though, anyone care to let us know how it's done?

    EDIT: Just realized Sounds (and their samples) need to go into "Native Instruments/Maschine 2/Sounds" unlike all the rest of the custom stuff

  • myalteredsoul
    myalteredsoul Member Posts: 242 Pro

    Necro Bump, but was a solution ever found for this?

  • ozon
    ozon Member Posts: 1,912 Expert
    edited June 2024

    Yes, as written by @tetsuneko

    Sounds (and their samples) need to go into "Native Instruments/Maschine 2/Sounds"

    This is the same as on the Maschine 2 desktop application and concerns all Maschine files types (Projects, Groups and Sounds). These file types are also found in other user path locations (such as User Content). But for Projects using Sounds with Samples, Maschine might not be able to locate the Samples when Projects are moved between systems and the Sounds or Groups with Samples are not located in the Sounds/Groups directory.

    PS: Almost forgot: There was a new feature introduced around version 1.4 which allows to add additional user paths on the M+ SD card. Therefore you now can for example add a new top level directory (e.g. /Library/) and put your third party and custom content in a directory structure there (e.g. /Library/ozon/Drum Machines/Elektron Machinedrum/) and then add that path as custom content path. The content will the show up in the User Browser. Advice regarding content tagging applies as usual.

This discussion has been closed.
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