bug fader controleur S2MK2

ricco Member Posts: 2 Newcomer

Hello, when I raise the right fader on my controller, the animation on the screen shows my fader rising progressively from bottom to top, it's OK! When I raise the left fader, the animation on the screen shows only 2 positions: one completely up, the other completely down, there are no intermediate positions left on the fader travel... recalibrating the faders has done nothing, what can I do? thanks for your help.

Bonjour, lorsque je me monte le fader droit de mon contrôleur, l'animation à l'écran montre mon fader monter progressivement de bas en haut, c'est ok !... Lorsque je monte le fader gauche, l'animation à l'écran ne montre que 2 positions : l'une complètement en haut, l'autre complètement en bas, il n'y a plus aucunes positions intermédiaires sur la course du fader... le recalibrage des faders n'a rien donné, que faire ? merci pour votre aide.


  • Leandro
    Leandro Member Posts: 12 Member

    There is a high chance of it being a physical problem with the faders.

  • lord-carlos
    lord-carlos Member Posts: 3,777 Expert

    I would try to clean the fader with compressed air. If that does not work try fader lube. For example Caig DeoxIT Fader.

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