Any update on Sonoma support - it's been 5 months since it was released.



  • Matthew_NI
    Matthew_NI Product Team Posts: 1,715 mod

    I think I outlined the exponential number of variables that we account for as a host within a host, supporting deep integration with peripherals. Now THAT is mind boggling.

    But the truth is (as others have noted above), such things can pose a problem for many. Indeed, even Apple themselves saw critical issues arise with Logic Pro late last year, prompting rollbacks.

    Sweetwater maintain a pretty up to date list of the latest news per manufacturer, if this is at all helpful. It's truly an ongoing process for many, and in some cases the issues (as noted in an earlier post) are on the OS rather than the manufacturer to fix, at which point hands are tied. We have at least one of those bugs, and it appears Avid have several, for instance.

    Again, I'm sorry that this isn't happening as quickly as you'd like. Please understand that I'm trying to explain the why, and the considerations behind the work. The worst thing we could do is rush anything, and introduce session breakages, particularly as a host of content.

  • Maciej Repetowski
    Maciej Repetowski Member Posts: 701 Guru

    Bugs on Apple’s side are inevitable and frustrating. I’m not contesting what you said, I’m just trying to understand why those bugs didn’t stop Steinberg, Ableton, Bitwig, Reaper and hundreds of plugin manufacturers in their tracks, yet they did stop you.

    Or do you claim that, for example, Cubase or Live is less complex application than Komplete Kontrol, Maschine or Kontakt?

  • Matthew_NI
    Matthew_NI Product Team Posts: 1,715 mod

    It's bug specific really - not every bug would affect every product, but might affect certain user facing functionalities, or internal frameworks and code of certain products.

    Some companies (not the ones mentioned) also take a beg for forgiveness approach, and just say it is supported and then await the bug reports to fix as they come in.

    Anyhow, to get back to the question itself:

    Komplete Kontrol just shipped Sonoma support, with Kontakt and Maschine planning to ship in the next few weeks. Are there any other products you're asking for updates on? LMK and I can chase down a response.

  • Tomboman
    Tomboman Member Posts: 66 Helper

    Oh yes, I am really waiting for Raum - Please get an ETA here, that would be appreciated very much! Or the Komplete effects in general

  • Tomboman
    Tomboman Member Posts: 66 Helper

    Weird, Komplete effects weren't listed yesterday - And there are no updates in Native access.

    Hopefully someone from NI can clarify

    Thanks :)

  • Matt_W
    Matt_W Member Posts: 34 Member

    I'd like to report in the interest of helping NI support, that I updated to Komplete Kontrol v 3.2.0 today (6th March 2024) and I'm still having issues with Sonoma, Kontakt 7, S49n M3 and Logic Pro X, so I'm not sure if the update has been released today or still pending (I note that on earlier in this thread on 5th March that NI mentioned an update was due in 24 hours).

    As I mentioned in another thread, I'd be happy to have a zoom call with NI if it would help them understand the issue better, but let's say that it's been a bit frustrating.

    I'd also like to raise awareness to NI that you are potentially engaging in false advertising by stating on your product page that the S49n Mk3 that it's supported on Mac Venture or HIGHER, which is clearly not the case (yet).



  • Matthew_NI
    Matthew_NI Product Team Posts: 1,715 mod

    Of your trifecta, only Komplete Kontrol is Sonoma compatible.

    Kontakt is not yet Sonoma compatible.

    Kontrol S MK3 is not yet Sonoma compatible.

    Both are coming soon.

    Point taken on the product page - I'll request that that be updated.

  • nightjar
    nightjar Member Posts: 1,325 Guru

    macOS Sonoma 14.4 came out today with a bunch of security fixes.

    Here's hoping that it somehow relates to the issue that NI had said needs to be fixed by Apple to allow the Kontrol S Mk3 to become Sonoma compatible... and/or the Logic Pro issue too.

    @Matthew_NI .. anything to say about macOS 14.4?

  • Matthew_NI
    Matthew_NI Product Team Posts: 1,715 mod
    edited March 2024

    Not sure - following up with Apple today.

    Incidentally, regarding 14.4, it appears various new issues may have been introduced. A good reminder to the skeptics that the issues often affect us as much as they do you. For instance:

  • oobe79
    oobe79 Member Posts: 152 Advisor

    God, iLok is such an albatross.

  • nightjar
    nightjar Member Posts: 1,325 Guru

    Yep.. no fan of iLok. Glad that NI does not use!

  • Maciej Repetowski
    Maciej Repetowski Member Posts: 701 Guru

    I’m not a fan, but for Softube and UVI - it’s worth it.

    Pace is one of those companies which always struggle with Mac compatibility, so no surprise there. They were holding back the whole ProTools environment (DAW, AAX plugins and all iLok protected plugins) for far too long due to their inability to provide working Apple Silicon iLok drivers.

  • Tomboman
    Tomboman Member Posts: 66 Helper


    Not sure if you saw the comment, but it has been 10 days now without reply. I was waiting for an ETA for Raum (Komplete Effect) - however around March 6th on the Sonoma page the komplete effects were added as supported - However, there were no update in native access.

    Would be great to get an official info, it that was a mistake or the already released version is supported on Sonoma

    Thanks a lot!

  • Kymeia
    Kymeia NKS User Library Mod Posts: 5,372 mod

    It works on Sonoma that's all I can say

    Not sure what value 'official' support has given compatibility is such a dynamic thing - case in point Sonoma 14.4

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