Sending in Maschine+ for repair

adic27 Member Posts: 69 Member
edited October 2024 in Maschine

Anyone ever send NI a Maschine+, or any Maschine/NI gear for that matter, for repair? I reached out to them to see how much a repair for a Maschine+ out of warranty would cost and they said $80 to just evaluate. What am I likely going to have to pay for a repair?

The unit actually works via USB with software but not in standalone mode. When I plug the power supply in all the buttons flash once really quick, for like a split second but that's all. I tried a power supply I purchased from but it turned out to be the same issue, and also turned out that the power supply was actually for the MK3. But they both have the same output specs. For the input specs, the only difference is the Sweetwater one has a higher input amps at 1.5, whereas the one that came with the + is only 1 amp. I doubt that even matters tho.

If you've had a Maschine repaired through NI please share the cost and what needed repaired.



  • D-One
    D-One Moderator Posts: 3,639 mod
    edited February 2024

    What do you mean 80$ to evaluate? Shipping cost + inspection? is that added to whatever value is charged for the repair itself? Geez, that's a lot.

    Er... I dont think it's the same specs, maybe the one for the Maschine Studio one is, but def not the MK3, it's +- 15w VS 40w, quite the difference.

    It does matter, with 1 amp the M+ might not boot.. It needs 15V 2.6 amps, get a propper power supply with the propper specs and test, if it works it will save you a whole lot of hassle and money.

    Where the heck did you get the info that the original power brick is 1 amp??? Did you buy it used and it came with that??

  • adic27
    adic27 Member Posts: 69 Member

    I hope $80 covers shipping AND evaluation. And yea I think it goes towards the repair cost once they figure out what the issue is.

    The power supply I got from has pretty much the same specs as the plus power supply. Only difference that I can tell is the plus is 1 amp output instead of 1.5 amp

    Here are pics of the specs for the plugs I have and tried to use. The first two are the bo

    x and plug I purchased from the second is the one that came with the plus and has the special twist style design

  • reffahcs
    reffahcs Member Posts: 865 Guru

    Those are the correct supplies, but you're reading them incorrectly. The INPUT 110-240V @ 1.0A is the max amount of power the adapter will draw from the AC outlet. The OUTPUT is the important part and that's what will make your device work or make it go up in smoke. In this case 15V @ 2660 mA / 2.66 A is the correct amount of power for the Maschine+

    Hard to say how much NI will charge for the repair. I would be prepared to spend at least half the cost of a new unit. Just a guess though.

  • D-One
    D-One Moderator Posts: 3,639 mod

    πŸ‘† Exactly, only output matters.

    This is not the official or responsible thing to say but i would try to get it repaired locally on a electronics repair spot, if it's something simple like a blown resistor, capacitor or similar the repair will be much, much cheaper. Actually I just open it up and check if the computer inside is connected properly, maybe you get lucky.

    If not, and some PCB needs replacement then it will be expensive, if the internal computer went ka-boom than expect around 300/400$ 😬

  • adic27
    adic27 Member Posts: 69 Member

    I don't know what you meant about me reading them wrong. I was just showing the spec comparison. But thanks for explaining

  • adic27
    adic27 Member Posts: 69 Member

    I don't know if I posted this already but here's a vid of what it does when I plug the PS in

    The ebay seller said that we could split the repair down the middle but if I just say screw it and send it back to him he'd have to pay the full price to get it repaired, if he even chooses to. Might just post it online as working or new and hope someone else gets stuck with it lol

    What would you do as far as that? Definitely gonna see if I can find a local spot to take a stab at it. Hopefully I get lucky.

  • D-One
    D-One Moderator Posts: 3,639 mod

    I would have initiated return procedures with eBay as I got the unit and noticed it wasn't functional, I'd expect a full refund aswell as well as anything I spent on shipping costs... Assuming the listing you bought it from didn't mention it was defective. Theres a time limit for returns tho...

    If you post it online as working and someone like me buys it, you will lose your money, eBay has all sorts of policies and protections for buyers... I'd chase you to the depths of hell haha

  • adic27
    adic27 Member Posts: 69 Member

    Yea I had already requested a return but before I sent it in I was going back and forth with NI support trying to make sure it wasn't a way to reset it or quick fix. Also wanted to test another power supply. You wouldn't believe how much back and forth there was between me and NI! Was getting pissed. They waste time asking stupid questions, sometimes copy and paste replies. Made me give info on the unit, get it registered in my name, sent me software (I guess everything that comes with a new plus) and still ended up requesting the unit be shipped to them. They don't reply right away and then there's weekend where they don't or might not reply.

    Anyway, if I can get it repaired for a reasonable price locally I would love to keep it as I think $500 is a steal. It's in great condition. If not, I'm sure eBay would fully refund me

  • reffahcs
    reffahcs Member Posts: 865 Guru

    I would send it back to the seller immediately. $500 for a used M+ that doesn't work isn't a steal when you factor in the $400-$500 repair bill. You'll end up paying as much as new unit directly from NI.

    I usually use Reverb when buying used music gear, eBay has just turned into cesspool and it's getting worse.

  • D-One
    D-One Moderator Posts: 3,639 mod
    edited February 2024

    Oh, I see. Support has to ask many questions, the only way around it is for you to anticipate all the questions and provide all the info in the first ticket, that's what I do. Support is like other normal jobs, they don't work at weekends.

    If it can't be repaired you basically got a MK3 in your hands, which isn't an amazing deal for 500, but could be worst. I recommend you going to a computer repair shop, the fancy ones that actually do repairs on PCB's and/or power supplies if you really have you mind set on trying fixing it.

    Personally, I could not live with the fact I got scammed, and would pursue the seller till the end of times.

  • adic27
    adic27 Member Posts: 69 Member

    Called a place out here in Houston and they want more than NI just for an evaluation. $125. Just gonna send it back

  • reffahcs
    reffahcs Member Posts: 865 Guru

    Unfortunately a lot of places have to charge expensive evaluation fees to weed out the amount of junk people send them.

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