Quality of Guitar RIG PRO 7 plugin

harryvanlamoen Member Posts: 7 Newcomer
edited October 2024 in Guitar Rig & FX


I use Cubase 13 with GUITAR RIG PRO 7 and experience a much lower quality with the plugin version. Should it be the same as the standalone? btw I use stereo track.




Best Answer

  • Eddie_NI
    Eddie_NI Product Team Posts: 357 mod
    Answer ✓

    The standalone and the plugins versions of Guitar Rig are identical. There is no difference in the audio processing code.

    If something sound different then it is caused by the setup in your DAW and/or Guitar Rig. Maybe the input configuration in the header of your Guitar Rig plugin is different (L/Stereo/R, Noise Gate, Limiter). Maybe you have something in the Global FX. Maybe you accidentally changed the setup in the Preset Volume component and are not on 100% Wet Mix. Maybe in your DAW you are monitoring the processed and unprocessed audio. Maybe you are routing the output of Guitar Rig not directly to the output but through a bus. There a a ton of reasons and it's hard to tell without more info.


  • Milos
    Milos Member Posts: 2,021 Guru


    I would recommend updating GR.

    If it doesn't help, then maybe it has something to do with the audio engine.

    Try experimenting with each of them to see which engine is best for GR performance.

    This is just an idea.

    Maybe it will help you, maybe not.

    Let me know how it went.

  • harryvanlamoen
    harryvanlamoen Member Posts: 7 Newcomer

    I have the latest version 7.0.2

  • reffahcs
    reffahcs Member Posts: 874 Guru

    Do you mean much lower quality compared to the standalone version?

    Can you define what you mean exactly when you say quality? Are you experiencing clicks, pops, dropouts, delays etc... Quality is a subjective term.

    That being said, the first thing I would check is to make sure the sample rate and latency is the same in Cubase and your GR settings in standalone.

  • harryvanlamoen
    harryvanlamoen Member Posts: 7 Newcomer

    So what you mean is that in fact there should be no difference in both versions?

    the latency and the sample rates are the same

    I mean the clearness of the sound especially in echo and delays it is more pronounced in the standalone version and sometimes there is kind of flanger or phaser effect extra added in the plugin. It seems unreliable.



  • Eddie_NI
    Eddie_NI Product Team Posts: 357 mod
    Answer ✓

    The standalone and the plugins versions of Guitar Rig are identical. There is no difference in the audio processing code.

    If something sound different then it is caused by the setup in your DAW and/or Guitar Rig. Maybe the input configuration in the header of your Guitar Rig plugin is different (L/Stereo/R, Noise Gate, Limiter). Maybe you have something in the Global FX. Maybe you accidentally changed the setup in the Preset Volume component and are not on 100% Wet Mix. Maybe in your DAW you are monitoring the processed and unprocessed audio. Maybe you are routing the output of Guitar Rig not directly to the output but through a bus. There a a ton of reasons and it's hard to tell without more info.

  • harryvanlamoen
    harryvanlamoen Member Posts: 7 Newcomer
    edited January 2024

    I see the GTR7 not as an VST instrument but only as an effect in Cubase. is that normal?

    No Global FX as you mentioned

    sounds as if the plugin has a face mask, completely not the clarity of the standalone version :-(

  • Eddie_NI
    Eddie_NI Product Team Posts: 357 mod

    Yes, Guitar Rig is an effect not an instrument. Could you share a minimal Cubase example project that shows the problem? I can try to have a look if anything is configured incorrectly there.

  • harryvanlamoen
    harryvanlamoen Member Posts: 7 Newcomer

    @Eddie_NI I have exported the project.

  • Eddie_NI
    Eddie_NI Product Team Posts: 357 mod

    If I play the two wave files from your project through the standalone Guitar Rig application with the same presets loaded and the input/output settings matched then they sound identical to what I hear in Cubase. Everything looks to be in order.

    I can't tell what the problem is with your setup. Would you be able to send over rendered wave files from Cubase and standalone so I can listen to the difference you are describing? An easy way would be to record it via the Post Tapedeck in Guitar Rig.

  • harryvanlamoen
    harryvanlamoen Member Posts: 7 Newcomer

    file 1 is a mixdown render from Cubase, effect included

    file 2 is cubase backup clean file run through GTR7

    file 3 is guitar recorded and rendered directly in postdeck of GTR7

    you can hear that the file 3 is more clean effect.

    thanks a lot!

  • Eddie_NI
    Eddie_NI Product Team Posts: 357 mod
    edited February 2024

    Sorry, I don't really understand what I'm listening to in these examples. But some of the files in this mixdown as well as in the Cubase project you shared earlier do show a lot of clipping. So something is wrong even before the signal hits Guitar Rig.

    The presets you are using have compressors in them so any difference in input signal strength will affect the sound of these presets. Maybe you could try a simpler preset for comparison or even just an empty rack?

  • harryvanlamoen
    harryvanlamoen Member Posts: 7 Newcomer

    Thanks very much for your energy and effort, I think I got it fixed. Something was wrong with the project that did something weird to the GTR7 plugin. Made a new project and it's ok. It's strange however that a plugin gets mixed up but I had it sometimes also with Cubase own plugins.

    Again thanks very much for your time, it pushed me foreward.

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