Assigning a pattern to a pad in Maschine +?

jbucklin Member Posts: 17 Member
edited October 2024 in Maschine

I used to do this with an Ensoniq ASRX Pro sampler. Record a loop with the sequencer; assign the loop to a pad; trigger the pad from a midi track in a DAW. I believe Ensoniq called that “resampling.” Can this be done with the Maschine + ? I sure hope so as it would make life much easier.

Best Answer

  • D-One
    D-One Moderator Posts: 3,639 mod
    edited January 2024 Answer ✓

    Think of it like this:

    • You can't use USB (specifically) to send MIDI from one computer to another computer... the M+ is a computer; in other words you cant have 2 hosts, one needs to be the client.

    I just said this on another thread but thats the whole point of USB-B, to stop people from connecting connecting things the wrong way, client VS host.

    • USB A = Host.
    • USB B = Client.

    There are wacky solutions out there the simplest one by far is using a DIN cable assuming you have audio Interface with MID DIN Out plugged into your computer.


  • D-One
    D-One Moderator Posts: 3,639 mod
    edited January 2024

    Sure... It's called the same here, kind of...

    Go to Sampling set Mode to Loop and select the Input Source, it can be another Pad, Group or the Master output; Maschine will resample the audio to an Audio-PlugIn/module which has real-time time-stretch in case you change the BPM or something.

    The Audio-Plug can't be triggered, only gated, so you might just want to Resample in Sync mode you want to use the Sampler instead, depends on your needs. The Sampler and Audio-Plug are interchangeable anyway.

  • jbucklin
    jbucklin Member Posts: 17 Member

    I'm starting to think that maybe it's not going to do what I'm hoping it will do. You said that it won't trigger and I think you're right. What I'm wanting is to sample a loop (pattern?) onto a pad and then trigger that pad from a midi track in Logic. I've found a few YouTube videos with the same instruction as yours but I just can't get it to work. Thanks so much for your help though! 🙏

  • PK The DJ
    PK The DJ Member Posts: 2,277 Expert

    @jbucklin You talk about patterns, recording loops, sampling loops, patterns again....

    Do you mean audio or MIDI patterns/loops/recording?

  • jbucklin
    jbucklin Member Posts: 17 Member

    I'm afraid I'm not explaining it clearly enough. What I mean is using the Maschine Plus's sequencer to make a drum pattern, or loop, or whatever you want to call it, then resample that loop onto one of Maschine's pads, set up the Maschine in Logic as an external midi instrument, record the Maschine using Logic's midi so that I can trigger that pad (as well as other pads) with the resampled loop as a midi track and then, of course, record the midi track onto an audio track. Make sense?

  • jbucklin
    jbucklin Member Posts: 17 Member

    I've had the Maschine for about three years and have hardly used it. It is the most frustrating piece of gear I've ever owned. I'd get rid of it if it didn't sound and feel so great. I've got to figure out a way to make it work for me. What I described in the above post is exactly how I did it with the Ensoniq ASRX-Pro a couple of decades ago. Worked beautifully.

  • tetsuneko
    tetsuneko Member Posts: 814 Expert
    edited January 2024

    Sorry but that makes no sense.

    If you first create a drum pattern, this will result in a MIDI pattern. If you then resample this pattern into audio, it will no longer be MIDI, only audio. Then, you say, you want to open up Maschine as a plugin inside Logic, and what? record the triggering of this audio loop into a MIDI clip in logic? Why?

    Or do you mean that you want to use the "control Maschine pattern changes via MIDI" feature, and use logic for changing the MIDI patterns inside Maschine running as a plugin inside Logic?

    Maybe it would be more helpful if you explained what you are trying to accomplish.. this context could make things more clear..

    If I'd think about what you might want just based on your OP, I'm assuming you have a pattern in Maschine you want to reuse in Logic? Not as MIDI, but as an audio loop? Easiest way to do this is to export your pattern into an audio file, and then importing this audio file into logic. This way you dont even have to run Maschine as a plugin in Logic at all, just open Maschine standalone application, solo out your pattern, export, quit Maschine, open logic, import your exported audio loop.

    If on the other hand you want to keep everything multitrackable and MIDI, you use the Maschine plugin inside Logic, and use the "control Maschine pattern change via MIDI" function to send MIDI notes from Logic to Maschine plugin at the right moments to trigger/switch patterns along with the timeline.

    One more way to skin this cat, you could resample the Maschine loops into Logic Audio tracks directly. Just select the Maschine plugin as your audio input on a Logic's audio track, record/trim/loop, done. Heck, there's probably many, many ways you could do this.

    Or are you using Maschine+ in standalone mode? If you are, then you obviously cannot use the desktop Maschine plugins inside Logic.. in that case, just treat Maschine+ as any other hardware instrument in your studio, track it in with your audio interface.

  • jbucklin
    jbucklin Member Posts: 17 Member
    edited January 2024

    Your last paragraph is all I'm trying to achieve. I am trying to treat Maschine + as any other hardware instrument. I have Googled and Googled, trying to learn how to simply trigger the pads from my DAW. Absolutely nothing comes up.

  • Tommaso Ferrarese
    Tommaso Ferrarese Member Posts: 7 Member

    To put it short: no.

    When standalone, M+ is the host, so you need to send it midi messages through MIDI din ports

  • jbucklin
    jbucklin Member Posts: 17 Member

    I think I'm too stupid for Maschine +

  • tetsuneko
    tetsuneko Member Posts: 814 Expert
    edited January 2024

    Ah yes, you'd use ableton link or DIN MIDI sync and DIN MIDI for sending notes to M+

    You cannot use the USB to send MIDI to M+ running in standalone from the computer, because M+ always wants to be USB MIDI host, same as your DAW also wants to be a USB MIDI host. There can never be two USB MIDI hosts in the same system, it doesn't work that way.

    I hope your audiointerface has DIN MIDI ports

    Think of it like sending MIDI clock and MIDI notes to any other DIN MIDI only hardware synth in your setup and recording the result

  • D-One
    D-One Moderator Posts: 3,639 mod
    edited January 2024 Answer ✓

    Think of it like this:

    • You can't use USB (specifically) to send MIDI from one computer to another computer... the M+ is a computer; in other words you cant have 2 hosts, one needs to be the client.

    I just said this on another thread but thats the whole point of USB-B, to stop people from connecting connecting things the wrong way, client VS host.

    • USB A = Host.
    • USB B = Client.

    There are wacky solutions out there the simplest one by far is using a DIN cable assuming you have audio Interface with MID DIN Out plugged into your computer.

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