Any Luck with Battery Missing Samples Bug?

David Willis
David Willis Member Posts: 28 Member
edited October 2024 in Battery 4

Battery 4 still missing samples every time I open a DAW session in Studio 1 or Logic. It always forgets where the samples for the Factgory Library is even though it has never been moved from its external SSD home.

I opened the BAttery standalone app to try NI's suggested fixes and it scans for a LONG TIME. Then when it stop, I click Preferences, and it STARTS THE SCAN ALL OVER AGAIN.

I cannot believe how f***ing buggy Battery is!

And their suggestion of saving as a new kit does not work.

And now it cannot even relocate them!


  • Sunborn
    Sunborn NKS User Library Mod Posts: 3,209 mod

    Straight answer? No.

    I assume that you already tried that, since i saw your comments in another article:

    There is no other solution unfortunately, you have to wait for an update... :-(

  • Calagan
    Calagan Member Posts: 187 Advisor

    By any chance (if I can formulate it this way) did you format your drive with case sensitive enabled ?

    I did it once and needed to re-format it quickly after that because of all the issues I had with Battery 4 and some other plugins…

    Of course, given the mess NI is at the moment, it may be something else…

  • David Willis
    David Willis Member Posts: 28 Member

    Thank you for the thought, but no I did not. I'm on a Mac so it's an APFS volume.

  • David Willis
    David Willis Member Posts: 28 Member

    I just heard back from NI: "We are aware of the issue you are facing with battery 4, as it is a known bug. Our team is actively working on a solution and we expect to release a fix in the near future."

    However, an internet search shows that the missing samples bug has been around since 2011! Why haven't they fixed a 13 year old bug?!?

    This is frustrating and disappointing. I have spent thousands on NI products because they sound great and are good to work with, so this anomaly is very grating.

  • Rexxyboy
    Rexxyboy Member Posts: 14 Member

    Yep, this happens on most sessions, nothing seems to fix it, on Mac or PC.

    Sometimes, creating a new battery instance and replicating your kit to the new instance works, but it's a pain. This is not actually a bug - this is a coding issue with respect to how the plugin connects to the file system to read and write the kit metadata to disk.

    Hopefully they fix it, but this has been known for many months - I use Cubase so i use Groove Agent most of the time, and although it misses some great features from Battery, it loads up your session kits as expected every time.

  • Sunborn
    Sunborn NKS User Library Mod Posts: 3,209 mod

    "not actually a bug - this is a coding issue"

    Very good point! 👍️

  • Rexxyboy
    Rexxyboy Member Posts: 14 Member

    Just found another - when i close the battery GUI after loading in some new samples and tweaking the plugin for a bit, all the work is GONE when re-opening the plugin again..

    That's the last straw, i'm DONE with this garbage plugin... it's a complete waste of time and effort, 3 times this weekend i've just closed the plugin, and when i re-open it again, all the work is gone.. it's hard to remember to leave it open as a workaround, year of muscle memory, why does it have to revert to the disk when simply opening the GUI?

    This is beyond unacceptable for NI to shelve Battery 4 for so long and leave paying customer to find other drum sampler options. The last significant update to functionality and fixes was Dec 2021. 4.3.0 just added more OS support and a vst3 version.

  • feed.exe
    feed.exe Member Posts: 37 Newcomer

    when update?

  • Vocalpoint
    Vocalpoint Member Posts: 2,998 Expert
    edited February 2024

    @David Willis

    "This is frustrating and disappointing. I have spent thousands on NI products because they sound great and are good to work with, so this anomaly is very grating."

    We all have. But sometimes you just need to accept that fact and move on.

    In this case - with this long since forgotten plugin - if anyone on these threads thinks that the NI DEV team is suddenly going to crack open the old Battery code and kick out a hot new update anytime soon - you will be waiting a long time.

    A much easier (and sanity preserving) method to this madness is to simply take all of Battery's samples (of which many are actually very good) and use them in a modern tool (the all new Triaz (native) from Wave Alchemy is my new go-to) and forget that Battery exists at all.

    Why anyone would be waiting for NI to get their act together on a plugin that is clearly dead is beyond me.

    I would rather be creating.


  • David Willis
    David Willis Member Posts: 28 Member

    Hey. I'm looking into Triaz.

    How would I import all the Battery sounds?

    BTW, when you google Triaz, it is also the name of an acne medicine!

  • Sunborn
    Sunborn NKS User Library Mod Posts: 3,209 mod

    Off course. Google always promote whatever commercial ****** exists, even if you are looking for encyclopedic or historical events! 😝

    You should search "Wave Alchemy Triaz" to get precise results.

    By the way, Triaz looks very promising! But i can't get it at the moment because i have invest elsewhere. However, you can not actually import Battery kits. What you can do is to use the audio files (.wav etc.) of each kit, and re-create them by yourself, and then save each bank to whatever Triaz format.

    In case anyone's wondering, there are 2 other equally good alternates that i'm aware of:

    Drum Computer by Sugar Bytes

    and Punch by Rob Papen

  • Vocalpoint
    Vocalpoint Member Posts: 2,998 Expert

    Importing is easy. Triaz leaves Battery so far in the dirt - it is not even a discussion.

    I have started to move most of my active work over to Triaz now.

    Between that and Impact XT in Studio One - there is not drum sample that I cannot manipulate now :)


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