M+ standalone optimized Reaktor content from the community



  • Trevor Meier
    Trevor Meier Member Posts: 70 Advisor

    Well, it is a user library. Since users are already building and sharing, it helps the ecosystem if the user library reflects what users are looking for.

    Perhaps a solution would be a tag for “Optimized for Maschine” - meaning parameters and tags have been organized in a way that’s useful on the controller. Then users can mention in the description of the ensemble has been tested on Maschine+

  • tetsuneko
    tetsuneko Member Posts: 825 Expert

    Sounds great! Any guidelines the Reaktor gods could give us would give further insight. Some sort of Q&A with the Reaktor devs about the M+ port would be ideal but I suppose that would be asking too much. Any little bit helps.

    I personally would not object a thread for sharing M+ ensembles in this forum, or in the Reaktor subforum. 100MB sounds like a sane limit to me, ensembles larger than that might even be outside the scope of M+ ensemble capabilities (or lean too heavily on having a GUI, or an immense sample set).

    Lastly, Reaktor has a Discord? I want to join! where do I sign up?

  • tetsuneko
    tetsuneko Member Posts: 825 Expert
    edited April 2022

    Yeah, the unused controls solution is straightforward once you do it once or twice. Just open up the ens inside Maschine desktop, edit the parameter pages by deleting the unused parameters, then save the reaktor instance as a Maschine preset. Once you reopen this Maschine preset in Reaktor, the Maschine parameter mappings are added to the ensemble, then it's just a matter of saving the ensemble one final time.

    I don't know if there can be a standard for how to lay out the parameters across the pages, as this will depend so much on the complexity and context of the ensemble. All I can think of is that it pays off to try to group parameters into logical groups of 8 controls, and to use the pages in order of importance (ie. the most important parameters are on page 1, next important on page 2 and so on..), because when entering plugin edit mode, the first page is always displayed by default until you start digging into things.

  • tetsuneko
    tetsuneko Member Posts: 825 Expert
    edited April 2022

    Here's the SVF (Nonlin) Reaktor Core filter, built similar to the Sallen Key ensembles earlier, in Stereo and Mono versions. This one has LPF/BPF/HPF modes and you can mix them all together in any combination. Sounds quite similar to the Sallen Key NL but is maybe a bit leaner on the M+ CPU? There are some interesting tones to be found here by mixing the drive and the filter responses to taste - maybe more suitable as a form of lofi fx than a straight up filter.. but as a synth filter its no slouch either!

    I'll round out the set with the 4 pole Ladder NL tomorrow.. I'm assuming that's what the Monark filter is based on? Oughta be handy for sampled monosynths ;)

  • Peter Harris
    Peter Harris Member Posts: 471 Pro

    Definitely up for any NI Discords. Where could we get an invite?

  • Fabio Barbon
    Fabio Barbon Member Posts: 27 Helper

    An hardware Reaktor is a dream come true for a small but “rich” market segment (think eurorack world for example). Not even sure these people are aware of this modular side of Maschine+.

    A waterfall sound design (design on Reaktor desktop and seamlessly run on Maschine+) would be an interesting workflow given the total power of parameters in the Reaktor world.

    What about opening up the .ens file format, or even better publish a library in the open source space to manipulate Reaktor ensembles?

    There are users with software development skills here that would be glad to contribute with things such a tool to automap Maschine parameters, or to optimize for Maschine+, or even to generate ensembles from scratch.

  • ozon
    ozon Member Posts: 1,952 Expert

    I downloaded the whole package mentioned in the Elektronauts forum and tested a lot of the instruments and effects. Most didn’t work properly or at all. Some crashed my M+.

    The same happened with a couple of Ensembles from the User Library and Legacy Factory Library which I converted myself. They used to work, but don’t for me right now. Might be due to incompatibility of the Reaktor versions or issues with the M+ firmware.

    Totally agree with how great it is to have Reaktor running standalone, but IME it is far from reliable or usable for average users.

  • tetsuneko
    tetsuneko Member Posts: 825 Expert
    edited April 2022

    Have you tested any of these filters I've been posting in this thread?

    If these filters work on your M+, there is hope for us yet.. Custom Reaktor Ensembles are not officially supported for a reason, it's not as simple as just saving any Reaktor ensemble to the SD card. I bet there are a lot of undocumented issues in the current M+ Reaktor port, and unless Ensembles are super simple, issues are very likely to manifest. We have to tackle this beast by starting small and working upwards, until we start hitting into walls.

  • tetsuneko
    tetsuneko Member Posts: 825 Expert
    edited April 2022

    Here's the 4 Pole (Diode) Ladder Filter (NL) version, again as mono and stereo instances. I reckon this is the one Monark filter is based on? Tested this one briefly by running the Maschine Bass Synth into it, and provided you add a bunch of gain before the filter (like +20dB with the EQ module LOL), the end results are quite Mooglike indeed 🤘 Whoever designed these core filter modules knew what they were doing 😎

    Let me know if these are working on your Maschine+:s!

    PS These eat even more CPU than the SallenKey ones.. You probably want to stick to the Mono version in most cases.

  • Fugazi81
    Fugazi81 Member Posts: 69 Advisor

    Yes, that is probably the main problem along with various others.

    For example, that ensemble can easily run on the M+, but the project no longer produces any sound after loading. Or that, for example, super-complex ensembles run without problems, but simple audio effects don't work at all.

    If you then open the project on the desktop (Maschine Software), you get a pop-up window with an error message that the path is wrong or the Reaktor plugin cannot be found, etc. But you don't see that on the M+. nothing is displayed there.

    As already said, unfortunately there is no reasonable documentation on this topic. Which is understandable for M+ since it is not officially supported there. But that's no excuse for the desktop version of Maschine.

  • Nico_NI
    Nico_NI Administrator Posts: 1,123 admin
    edited April 2022

    @tetsuneko @Peter Harris To join the Reaktor Discord server you have to kindly ask to @EvilDragon 😈

  • Nico_NI
    Nico_NI Administrator Posts: 1,123 admin
    edited April 2022

    Regarding documentation on building in Reaktor, this manual should already be a good start:

    👉 https://bit.ly/3LGFgZq

    This one is for Reaktor 5 but might include valuable information as well:

    👉 https://bit.ly/3ucJB0m

    A lot of information can also be found on the old Reaktor sub-forum:

  • tetsuneko
    tetsuneko Member Posts: 825 Expert
    edited April 2022

    Thanks for these @Nico_NI ! I'll send a PM to @EvilDragon about the discord.

    Also, thanks for the PDF's! "Building In Core" has been on my screens these past days, but this "Core Tutorial" pdf is new to me.

    I was thinking I'll keep sharing more M+ optimized/tested ensembles as I build them. If a new thread for sharing M+ ensembles gets created, I'll post them there instead.

    I'd appreciate anyone giving these a try and reporting back if they are working/not working. If yall find any of it useful, feel free to edit/mod/reuse however you wish.

  • tetsuneko
    tetsuneko Member Posts: 825 Expert
    edited April 2022

    @Nico_NI , I now understand why I hadn't encountered this "Core Tutorial" pdf before - It's written for Reaktor 5! I find it quite hard to follow the tutorial because the modules referred in this document have already been removed or renamed in Reaktor 6. Like, I'm plowing through the Tape Delay tutorial, and while I already figured out that the "Delay 4p" referred in the document is now simply called "Delay", I have no idea how to find "msec2sec" module.. I'm assuming it got nuked from Reaktor 6 because it's probably just something as trivial as a ( X = X / 1000 )? so should be easy enough to deal with without having to rely on a dedicated macro..

    Otherwise, this "Core Tutorial" is great and easy to follow.. Someone @ NI should just republish this document updated to the current Reaktor version. "Building in Core" cannot replace the tutorials, since it doesn't really try to teach anything, it's just a reference manual..

    And yes, I know that there already seems to be readymade Tape Delay modules in the latest R6 core library, but I'd like to think I would learn more by building one from scratch by following this book, as it introduces the foundations of Reaktor Core building.

  • Nico_NI
    Nico_NI Administrator Posts: 1,123 admin

    Thanks for trying out. I would suggest to use the 1st link which is Core for Reaktor 6.

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