Connect Traktor Z1 + Novation Lauchnkey Mini

Roberto Blatt
Roberto Blatt Member Posts: 10 Newcomer

Friends, I want to turn on traktor Z1 at the same time as Novation Launchkey Mini keyboard. Is there any hub model capable of working?



  • Mutis
    Mutis Member Posts: 472 Pro

    Just get a regular usb cable into powered hub and ditch the 30pin cable.

  • Nico_NI
    Nico_NI Administrator Posts: 1,124 admin

    As both device are usb, a usb hub would just do the trick 🧐

  • Roberto Blatt
    Roberto Blatt Member Posts: 10 Newcomer
    edited March 2022

    Yes, it makes sense, but one end of the traktor cable is plugged into the ipad air lightning adapter. The launchkey novation cable is a normal USB cable. Does such an adapter really work? Many thanks for the reply

  • Roberto Blatt
    Roberto Blatt Member Posts: 10 Newcomer
    edited March 2022

    Sorry, friend, but how can I abandon the 30-pin if it's the traktor Z1 cable? I did not understand. Replace the NI Z1 cable with another one? Many thanks for the reply

  • Nico_NI
    Nico_NI Administrator Posts: 1,124 admin

    The Z1 can also work with a USB (B-Type) to lightning, you don't need the 30 pin.

  • Roberto Blatt
    Roberto Blatt Member Posts: 10 Newcomer
    Sorry, I really don't understand. If I use this cable you suggest it will still need a hub with lightning input. Is correct? 
    Sounds like a good suggestion. I really appreciate it

  • Nico_NI
    Nico_NI Administrator Posts: 1,124 admin

    If I understand correctly your setup, you'd like to power the Z1 and the Novation keyboard with your iPad right?

    If that so, I think you will run in a power shortfall, as I don't think the iPad can deliver enough for the 2 units.

    You need to be more clear on what you're trying to do.

  • Roberto Blatt
    Roberto Blatt Member Posts: 10 Newcomer

    I want to use traktor z1 at the same time as novation launchkey on ipad. The traktor Z1, when used alone, powers the ipad. My question is if I connect both of the mentioned peripherals, will everything work, notably Traktor Z1 as power supply and audio output.

  • Nico_NI
    Nico_NI Administrator Posts: 1,124 admin
    edited March 2022

    Well if the Z1 is already DC powered, that should not be a problem.

  • Mutis
    Mutis Member Posts: 472 Pro

    You need a regular usb cable for the z1 into the hub, another usb cable from the novation into the hub and the output usb from the hub into the cck3. Better powered usb hub but if the perioherals are powered could probably work with passive one.

    Plug things in that order… first peripherals into usb hub (powered so switch it on) and then the hub into the cck3 and finally the cck3 into iPad so you will avoid any “the iPad can’t recognize the …” or “this peripheral drains too much power” messages.

    About the lightning port on the cck3, it’s just for charging purposes so no data flowing on that. Just plug your regular iPad charger with its own lightning cable into it and you will keep the iPad charging instead battery being drain when you plug non-powered things with power drain into the cck3…

    There are more tricks but I prefer to leave it here and keep things simple for now.


  • Roberto Blatt
    Roberto Blatt Member Posts: 10 Newcomer

    Seguindo na minha busca por um setup que quero usar, que é iPad Air 2 + Traktor Z1 + Launchkey Mini (Novation) fiz uma nova tentativa Frustrada. Ela me foi sugerida no Fórum da traktor mas aqui não deu certo. Consistia em abandonar o 30 pinos e usar um cabo USB B para Lighting. Se uso esse cabo isolado ele até funciona, mas exclusivo com ele e tendo o prejuízo de não carregar o iPad conforme faz o 30 pinos. Talvez esse hardware da Native (Z1) seja meio limitador nesse sentido mas sigo pesquisando. Com Hub também não deu certo. Ocorre que a Traktor Z1 é uma saída de áudio e entrada de energia , uma combinação curiosa mas que , aparentemente não permite mais um acessório junto com ela. Vou postar aqui a título de atualização e também nos fóruns da Native. Valeu galera. Se tiverem sugestões por favor me avise

  • Roberto Blatt
    Roberto Blatt Member Posts: 10 Newcomer

    A Traktor Z1 funcionou mas não aceitou outro periférico ao mesmo com esse cabo. Além disso perdeu a capacidade de alimentar o ipad coisa que o 30 pin com o cck faz. Uma pena. EStou quase desistindo , acho que vou vender a Z1. Mas muito obrigado.

  • Mutis
    Mutis Member Posts: 472 Pro
    edited April 2022

    Quoting and remarking my words...

    "You need a regular usb cable for the z1 into the hub, another usb cable from the novation into the hub and the output usb from the hub into the cck3 (usb IN). Better powered usb hub but if the perioherals are powered could probably work with passive one.

    Plug things in that orderfirst peripherals into usb hub (powered so switch it on) and then the hub into the cck3 and finally the cck3 into iPad so you will avoid any “the iPad can’t recognize the …” or “this peripheral drains too much power” messages.

    About the lightning port on the cck3, it’s just for charging purposes so no data flowing on that. Just plug your regular iPad charger with its own lightning cable into it and you will keep the iPad charging instead battery being drain when you plug non-powered things with power drain into the cck3…"

    You are plugging the Z1 into the charging port at CCK3 instead USB connector (or HUB as I suggested) so it's normal operation when the iPad rejects that configuration since there's not data flowing within that cable, just current. Please check again step by step what I suggested so you can get your setup working properly.


  • Roberto Blatt
    Roberto Blatt Member Posts: 10 Newcomer

    A imagem é muito boa. Mas aqui eu realmente não estou conseguindo. Você pode , por favor, olhar o pequeno vídeo que gravei? Eu não sei é um problema do meu hub, mas segui os passos que você indicou. Agradeço muito.

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