Samples missing - "save as" patch only, "patch and samples", or "monolith"?

EtCommeUn Member Posts: 9 Newcomer
edited October 2024 in Kontakt

The online manual says to permanently fix the "Samples missing error" (after indicating the directory they're in) by using "Save as", but does not specify which "save as" option we're supposed to use. I did "patch and samples" and it's working now but did I just needlessly duplicate all the samples? Is "patch" sufficient? Can I save space on my SSD by redownloading the instrument and saving "patch" instead of "patch and samples"?

Best Answer

  • stephen24
    stephen24 Member Posts: 433 Pro
    edited December 2023 Answer ✓

    Yes and yes.

    Obviously it's wise to back up your samples but it would make more sense to back up the entire library on a separate drive.

    If the space is important, you can rename the new samples folder you have created, load the instrument, when asked directing Kontakt to the original samples location, then save as Patch Only. If this passes off without event you can then delete the unwanted folder.


  • Sunborn
    Sunborn NKS User Library Mod Posts: 3,454 mod
    edited December 2023

    but does not specify which "save as" option we're supposed to use

    It can not "guess" what we might prefer, so.... :-)

    patch only:

    It only saves the patch, without its samples

    patch and samples

    saves the patch and its samples (in a separate folder)


    saves the patch and its samples, internally (much larger file, but no need to worry about sample relocation anymore)

  • EtCommeUn
    EtCommeUn Member Posts: 9 Newcomer

    So would saving as "patch only" also have prevented the "samples missing" error from popping up again? Did I waste disk space by choosing "patch and samples"? I see an extra samples folder labeled "[patch name] Samples" that I'm pretty sure wasn't there before.

  • Sunborn
    Sunborn NKS User Library Mod Posts: 3,454 mod
    edited December 2023

    To say it simple: No samples = no sound !

    You really, really do not want to loose those samples.

    Except if you use the "Monolith" option. This is the only case were you could delete samples (after save all your kits as "monolith"). :-)

  • EtCommeUn
    EtCommeUn Member Posts: 9 Newcomer

    I still have the old Samples folder, which contains the same samples. When I saved as "Patch and samples" it created a new folder with the same samples. It's redundant and wasting SSD space.

  • stephen24
    stephen24 Member Posts: 433 Pro
    edited December 2023 Answer ✓

    Yes and yes.

    Obviously it's wise to back up your samples but it would make more sense to back up the entire library on a separate drive.

    If the space is important, you can rename the new samples folder you have created, load the instrument, when asked directing Kontakt to the original samples location, then save as Patch Only. If this passes off without event you can then delete the unwanted folder.

  • Sunborn
    Sunborn NKS User Library Mod Posts: 3,454 mod
    edited December 2023

    I think all answers are incomplete (including mine of course).


    What you said, and what suggested by @stephen24 are absolutely correct, if you always use samples from the Factory library only and just combine them on new and different kits. There is no need to duplicate those samples, so saving as "patch only" makes absolute sense.

    However, if you creating your own kits with your own samples (and especially, if you use different samples for each kit), then no, you must save them as "patch + samples" or "monolith", otherwise you will always have the "samples missing error", every time you change your configuration, or you move your samples path, or change/add a new hard drive or operation system, or use them on another computer. :-)

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