Need a Tutor for Reaktor 6 -to build complex sample/granular instruments with GUI's



  • reffahcs
    reffahcs Member Posts: 874 Guru

    Thanks for those tips. Also that series you posted is awesome. I'd never messed with Reaktor up until I saw some people asking about it here. I'm having flashbacks of LabView VI's.

  • PoorFellow
    PoorFellow Moderator Posts: 6,003 mod
    edited December 2023

    Thank you very much for the very kind words ! 🙂

    Yes ! , the more I get to know Reaktor the more amazing I think it is. It has a very steep learning curve I think. I even spent a lot of time to try to find out how to put buttons next to each other rather than on top of each other not knowing that I had to use the 'obvious' unlock to move things ! 😆 Anyway , then I think that Reaktor is extremely addictive and I wish that I had spotted that sooner ! 🤔

    The 'series' you mention , not sure if it's this , but if you think that it is good then I will put links here for others. Thank you ! 🙂

    Garnish Music Production School :




    I also found this rather long playlist of Reaktor stuff of varying interest but I have simply not had the time to scour though all that (sorry about that !) , so it is as is ! : Reaktor Tutorials, ADSR Music Production Tutorials : :

  • colB
    colB Member Posts: 1,035 Guru

    Check this thread (search the forum for this sort of thing ;))

    I posted an example with two simple scope examples, one using the scope module, the other using XY module in scope mode.

    Best of all (but most challenging) is rolling your own using a Multi-display - like the factory block and the factory scope - look here:

  • P-box
    P-box Member Posts: 60 Member

    @PoorFellow Thank you for your time and dedication! Can't tell you how much I appreciate it!

  • PoorFellow
    PoorFellow Moderator Posts: 6,003 mod
    edited December 2023

    Thank you very much for the kind words and appreciation.

    P.S. After some more pondering I think that the below in this post only serves to create confusion as I think that I am most likely misunderstanding the whole setup and how it is supposed to work and that I have wired it together all wrong ! But maybe someone else can use it for further study ! (I tried to dig into the function of the E to A and the Differentiator module in connection with the scope setup from the manual.)

  • Sunborn
    Sunborn NKS User Library Mod Posts: 3,446 mod

    Well done! ...and to the right direction.

    However, since you already have 2 block Scopes, the macro scope is not needed. Yet, it is the only one where you can make the whole process understandable for an experiment, because blocks are more complicated and they require Core knowledge. Of course the macro scope is too "simple" compared to the block scopes.

    Now you need gate, note pitch and envelope and you will have a small synth! :-)

  • Sunborn
    Sunborn NKS User Library Mod Posts: 3,446 mod

    ...something like that, very quickly :-)

    btw, the A to E module it just transforms Audio signals (the actual sound) to Even signals (just information, data)... a very simple job but very essential for many things.

  • PoorFellow
    PoorFellow Moderator Posts: 6,003 mod
    edited December 2023

    Thank you very much Sunborn for being so very kind and for the setup 'handout'. 🙂 It's amazing what someone with your knowledge can do with very little added. I myself could not even find the add signals together blocks though I tried earlier , I thought that I needed a connection point of some sort. Also I now have to try to study the blocks that you added. But I learned so much already just by you using terms such as "block Scopes", "macro scope" and "Core knowledge" , because that in itself is information about where to look for better understanding of it all. But no wonder if I found Reaktor difficult to approach because there certainly is a lot to learn. But for now I will settle for just being able to learn and understand the normal blocks in Reaktor and even that will take a lot of doing...

    Anyway , I feel like if I am hijacking this thread from P-box , but thank you Sunborn for the kindness !

  • Sunborn
    Sunborn NKS User Library Mod Posts: 3,446 mod
    edited December 2023

    You are welcome :-)

    ...and don't worry for hijacking, P-box can also benefit from this

    If i may suggest, Reaktor has 3 modes (or levels):

    Primary, Core and Blocks.

    It is best to start with Primary, since it is the most easy and common mode. All those Macros we talk about are part of the Primary mode. In this mode, i have a very good knowledge (though Reaktor is a constant school, 10 years later you can still find your self learning)!

    Core is very different, more deep, more ..."mathematical", gives higher quality results and you can build whatever you can imagine (while Primary has some limitations). For example, even a simple Sine oscillator you build it from scratch by your own (while in Primary it is a ready module). This is new to me, less than a year, i manage it and i can build things, but compare to other users here, i am really a newbie :-)

    Blocks are the newest mode and while they have different building philosophy they are heavily rely on Core mode. It is really easy and fun to use them and just connect modules (like you do with a modular synthesizer) but, to build them, is a very different story. I have almost zero knowledge on building blocks (i want to "master" the Core first) but still i can make a lot of interesting things just by combining the correct modules. Basically anyone who spent some time in the studios and is familiar with the structure of a synthesizer, can do a lot of things with Blocks, without even bother to create one from scratch!

  • PoorFellow
    PoorFellow Moderator Posts: 6,003 mod

    Thank you for that explanation and for your suggestion that I will try to follow ! 🙂 And I honestly really appreciate you being so kind and you taking your time to try to make it all al little easier for I and others ! Again your choice of words are leading the way in as much as that puts me on the track of the "REAKTOR 6 Building in Primary" manual , which upon opening I could see instantly that that needed consulting / reading , paired with I think the "Reaktor 5 Modules and Macros Reference" . But it looks as if the Primary manual is the most needed immediately since it contains both the basic introduction and most all the answers to the basic use question when using Primary. And then to start with use the Reference for reference !

    The funny thing about Reaktor I.M.O. is that it may appear hard to approach but then when learning more about it then it suddenly appears as easier than other software, though easy is maybe not the first word that springs to mind, but still because the deeper you dive the more open and approachable Reaktor suddenly looks though maybe never easy as such ! So I really hope that Reaktor stays in the product range of Native Instruments since it has really grown on me since very recently and I really want to get to know Reaktor better !

    Thank you very much for your kind advice 🙂

  • colB
    colB Member Posts: 1,035 Guru

    I'm gonna have to do some nit-picking here ;)

    It is best to start with Primary, since it is the most easy and common mode.

    You have to start with Primary, because it is essential, you can't do anything in Reaktor without accessing the Primary layer. It's not easier, it's just there, so it becomes familiar more quickly.

    Core is very different, more deep, more ..."mathematical", gives higher quality results

    Core is different. It is simpler, and way more coherent then Primary. Folk often get the impression that it is more difficult or more 'mathematical', but that is a side effect of it being simpler and more coherent. experienced builders do easy stuff in Primary because it's just more convenient, but as soon as what they are trying to achieve gets tricky - like DSP math, or 'proper' programming - folk turn to core, because it's easier in core. All that fancy advanced stuff done in core gives the impression to newbies, and non core folk, that core is super hard and you have to be a math wizard etc., but that is more a side effect of the power and simplicity of core.

    The other problem is that Primary is essential, so everyone learns primary first. Unfortunately, core is different (as we have established), and if you just learned a whole lot of new ways of thinking about problems to use Primary, it's easy to fall into the trap of trying to crowbar those methods into core... which doesn't really work, core will just continue to seem obscure and difficult if you keep trying to do Primary style development in core.

    Blocks are the newest mode and while they have different building philosophy they are heavily rely on Core mode.

    Blocks isn't really a Reaktor development layer, it's a specification framework. If you wanted to you could make Blocks using Reaktor 5 (without the patch and play obviously). You couldn't recreate the core layer in Reaktor4 though ;). Blocks are built using Reaktor, rather than being part of Reaktor...

    The real new thing was Racks, and that's a higher level paradigm to improve DAW integration rather than a programming layer. You can't develop a Block for racks that won't work in an ensemble.

    I'd be more inclined to classify Blocks along with the ZDF framework, the envelope toolkit and the partials framework. Although they don't really fit well there either!

    Blocks isn't the only one either, herw (a once prolific member here) developed a very powerful modular framework in Reaktor, it just didn't catch on the way blocks did for a whole bunch of reasons. Anyone can have a go at their own framework, or create extensions to Blocks (I developed an extension for polyphonic Blocks that works seamlessly with the existing framework - its used in some of the toybox packs)

    Patch and play confuses this viewpoint, but it also explains why patch and play is somewhat clunky and seems like it could be way better if it was done differently... that's because it was kind of a hack bolted onto something that is really just a framework specification... so we can't self patch Blocks, there is no transparency of cables, cable colours only work in rack mode, there are graphical patch cable glitches, it's a total hassle for builders to set them up within the existing GUI building environment... etc.

    So, nit-picking done... carry on :)

  • Sunborn
    Sunborn NKS User Library Mod Posts: 3,446 mod

    That is indeed a better explanation, from someone with a better level of knowledge. Thank you 🙏 my defense, i am a Greek with a good, but still limited knowledge of the English language (especially the more complicated terms) and many times i don't know the correct phrases to express what's in my mind, so i use metaphors (almost every time i use the "..." symbols, is because of the lack of finding a better example).... 🙂

  • PoorFellow
    PoorFellow Moderator Posts: 6,003 mod

    Thank you very much for your very educational nit-picking ! 🙂

    Your post makes me wish that there were a sort of flowchart like intro presentation for all new users that would show the way to approach Reaktor while the same time spell out the necessities and benefits of the individual parts of the flowchart, Showing how it all ties together and explaining what one will learn from individual parts- Like you did in the above !

    At other forum members : ColB in the above mentions, quote : "ZDF framework, the envelope toolkit and the partials framework" , so here is some info about that !

    REAKTOR 6 Building in Core manual :

    Page 153 : 6.4 Toolkits

    Page 153 : 6.4.1 LFO Toolkit , Page 154 : 6.4.2 Envelope Toolkit . Page 157 : 6.4.3 ZDF Toolkit , Page 162 : 6.4.4 TF toolkit .

    Partials Framework by Max Zagler , Toolset for advanced serialization and iteration (uploaded by Stephan Schmitt)

    Apparently user made and Built with : Reaktor 5 or lower

    Also I do not know if related bu there is a : Partials Macro, mentioned page 114 and more in REAKTOR 6 Building in Primary manual.

    As for the "ZDF framework" versus "ZDF Toolkit" then I have only been able to find "ZDF framework" mentions by ColB, (Here , here and here) and by another user (here) and as something called Avid users of the Qvest Media ZDF framework !

  • colB
    colB Member Posts: 1,035 Guru

    I guess they call it ZDF toolkit then :). Don't worry about it. These are just examples, and fairly advanced too. Just don't get hung up on the idea that core is difficult compared to Primary. It's just different.

  • PoorFellow
    PoorFellow Moderator Posts: 6,003 mod
    edited December 2023

    Yes, I did notice that that were also one of your general points ! (Ref. Nit-picking by ColB) Thank you ColB !

    Incidentally , this is most likely very old news to you , but maybe not to other readers so I will include this that I just stumbled over by a Komplete Reaktor coincidence ! :

    DSP ARTICLES (Ref. Reaktor Core tutorials) :

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